Chapter 12: I like you.

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Hey guys before we start I would like to thank you for the 578 reads I'm so happy.  BTW I’m trying to make a story playlist and if you know any songs that in any way relate to the story comment below.  Also comment what couple name you like better Lason or Macie. Thanks again




Lacie POV

I woke up to see myself wrapped in Mason’s arms. When I came to my senses I found butterflies in my stomach remembering yesterday’s events. I hate it how he can make me both angry and happy at the same time. It’s like I can’t help but-

Don’t say it

I think I love him.

“You up?” A deep husky voice spoke. I jumped in surprise know he was up. He hugged me tighter and I snuggled into his chest. “Yea.” He had a wide smile on his face he kissed my forehead, this sent shivers down my spine. I have been questioning myself on why he had told me about him and Emily. I couldn’t hold it back

“Why did you tell me?” he looked at me puzzled

“Tell you wha- Oh I told you because well I needed you to know and because I trust you.”

He trusts me. I he changed the subject “So what do you wanna do today?” 

"I don't know. What do you wanna do?" I asked him 

"How bout we go to the movies." he said 

"Okay. What movie do you wanna see?" 

"You can pick." 

"Oh my gosh can we go see Frozen. Please Mace."

He had an ear-to-ear grin on his face "Yes, Lace. You know you are very cute."

The words rang again and agin in my head. 

Does he like me? Cute?

"Yay. Can't wait. Okay now let me get ready." I said shooing him away towards my window. 

"Okay. Okay, but I have something to tell you." my heart began to race at an unhealthy rate. 


You never studder stop being an idiot. 

He grabbed my hand and walked towards the railing. As he came closer to me, we were so close I think he could hear my heart beat. "Lacie." he said creasing my cheek. Before I could answer he broke the space between us and kissed me. Why does he keep doing that? I pushed him away 

"Why do you keep on doing that?" I yelped.

"Because I like to kiss you." he said in a tone that said 'well-duh'

"W-wait what?" now my voice cracked and began to rise.

"Lacie I like you." He explained with out hesitation

"Mace are you sure of this?" I asked trying to hide my excitement

He looked into my eyes as his sapphire eyes sparkleding with the rising, morning sun rising. I couldn't help it this time.

Do it! Do it Lacie!

I listened to the little voice. I grabbed him and brought him closer to me, tip-toed and pressed my lips against his. I noticed he smirked and grabbed my waist. He bit my bottom lip for entrance, I let him in, we continued to kiss, he pressed me against the railing, and held my legs in the air, I quickly wraped my legs around him. I was suddenly sitting on the railing. He slowly began to kiss his way to my collarbone. I let out a inaudioable moan, he made his way back to my lips. We continued to basically 'make-out' for about 5 minutes till we ran out of breath and separated. He began to breath heavily, Mason lowered his lips to my ear and asked the question I've been waiting for. 

"Lacie. Will you be my girlfriend?"

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