Chapter 6: Late?

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Mason's POV

Are you fucking stupid, when Katie finds out she's going to beat her ass.

But it's your fault, not her's.

Shut up. Well the little voice does make sense but Katie isn' going to believe that. I've like Lace since like fourth grade even though she was younger than me I still liked her she was sweet, nice, and down-to-earth. This is the total opposite to Katie. Kate's a bitch, rude, and a slut. Like I said she might consider me a boyfriend but all she is to me is my fuck-buddy. I acctually like Lace. I dont regret kissing her, I only regret what lies ahead. I mean I've held back on kissing Lace since I was in the eighth grade.

You are still a dumb-ass for kissing her no matter how much you do like her!

The little voice scholded.

Whatever I think I know what I have to do. I just don't think I should.

Lacie's POV

"Stupid! Stupid! Stupid!" I said banging my palm agains my forehead.
Without warning I hear a sudden knock on the glassdoor that leads to my balcony. I open my transperent purple curtains, to find Mason with a smirk on his face. "What the hell are you doing here? and how the hell did you get up here?" I asked nervously. "What you don't wanna see me." he grinned. I felt my cheeks fill with heat.

Your blushing againnn.....

Stupid little voice taunted. I remained quiet as he made his way to my bed. "So what do you wanna do?" he asked raising his eyebrow as he smiled evily. "No, Mason. Thats not going to happen. If you want we can watch a movie or something."

"Awww. Well fine." he wined. "Mason. Dont 'aww' me you have a girlfriend, remember." I stated as I stabbed Katie on the inside. "Well I would like to inform you that she is no longer my girlfriend." I looked at him in awe. "Wait. What?" I was puzzled. Was this because of me? Was I the reason he broke up with that....
Yea you can call her that. What will she do to me? "Earth-to Lacie are you back?" Mason said as his eyes sparkled... "I broke up with Katie." he said as he patted on the spot that was next to him. "Come here." he stated. "No, I'm good right here!" I blurted out. "Jeez Lace I just wanted you to sit next to me."
Can you just sit next to him...YOU KNOW YOU WANNA
Fine but I know I'm going to regret this. We decided to watch our favorite movie 'Fast 5' I really don't know why I love this movie so much but I just do, Its my favorite out of all the Fast and Furious movies.
I went to the kitchen and made like five bags of popcorn. I got back just in time for the movie.
We were like 25 minutes into the movie when Mason wrapped his arm around me and pulled me close to him. I snuggled into his chest and I dozed off into sleep.
"Lace. Movie's over." he stated. I fluttered my eyes open "W-what." I yawned. "You slept during the whole movie." he stated as he smirked. I was snuggling on his chest. "Your warm." I stated not realizing what I had just said. "Yeah thats what they all say." Okay now that woke me up "What?" I exclaimed. He smiled and hugged me tight. He really was warm yet his eyes matched the intense color of a winter sky, and sparkled as he looked at me. We began to talk about random topics. Then he looked at his watch. He looked at me cupped my cheeks and whispered "I'm going to be late." Late? Late for what? I questioned myself as he arose from my bed and hopped out to my balcony. As he hopped over the fence around the balcony he kissed my cheek and with that he was gone.


I really love this Chapter its cute.
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