Chapter Eight

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Sarah once again met the man while she was walking home from work. This time however his hair was slicked into a ponytale and he wore a suit. Her mind flashed back to her dream she had the night before. "Are you following me?" She asked causiously.
He gave a sly smile his eyes shined with mischief. "No, but however I was hoping you would remember me."
"I don't remember you." It would sound crazy if I said you were the Goblin King from the Labyrinth play. Sarah thought to herself. Once they made it to Sarah's home she quickly parted ways with the man and headed inside. I think I'm going crazy she thought.

Later that night Sarah experienced the same aweful feeling she did earlier when she saw the owl. Her grip on her Boyfriend Tim's arm tightened as they neared the restaurant.
Tim sensed Sarah's uneasiness and stopped midstep. "Sarah...are you alright?" he asked. She squeezed his arm and turned towards him. "Yes. I'm sorry...I'm just..really tired. I didn't get any sleep at all last night." It wasn't exactly a lie but it wasn't the full truth either.
Tim nodded accepting the answer. He held the door open for Sarah.
She made a quick glance up into the trees outside the restaurant before heading in.

Once inside Tim sat down across from Sarah at the table he had reserved special for them that night. He had many ideas on how to ask Sarah to marry him. Something clichè like putting the ring on a bread stick. Maybe even dropping it in her wine. However he decided the simple route. If things went smoothly Sarah would say yes and then they'd go back to her place to celebrate their engagement. He had been patient with Sarah and felt like it was time.
  She looks so beautiful tonight he thought. Indeed Sarah did, her brown hair pulled back from her face and cascaded down her back in loose curls. Her blue-green eyes bright and framed with dark lashes. The dress matching the colour of her eyes framed her every curve.
He couldn't help but stare.
   Sarah felt uneasy but different than earlier. She didn't quiet like the way Tim was staring at her.
Tim noticed her uneasiness and cleared his throat. "Sarah, have I ever told you how happy you make me?"
She lifted an eyebrow not getting where he was going with this.
He stood up and walked over to her side, he got down on one knee.
Sarah's eyes widened with fear. He took it as shock and continued. Tim pulled out a ring box and opened it. "Would you please continue to make me happy by agreeing to be my wife."
Sarah opened her mouth then shut it. She couldn't believe he was asking her this. They had only been together four months. Her eyes flashed with rage as she remembered him trying to get into her pants the month well as the conversation about waiting until she was at least engaged to someone.
Her lip curled and she stood up. "No." she replied firmly before she walked out of the restaurant.
As Sarah got close to her house her cell began to ring. At first she thought it was Tim but after insepecting the number she saw it was her father.
She opened the cell and held it up to her ear. "Hello?"
"Toby's missing!" her step mother screeched into the reciever.
Sarah's eyes widened. "What?!" she felt herself panic and she dropped her phone. Oh no Toby..not again. Sarah thought.
Her eyes widened. "Again?" she questioned herself.
"I'm going insane..."

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