Chapter One

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Toby and Sarah returned home after Toby's Failed play. He was ashamed of himself and hadn't understood how he couldn't remember his lines.
"Toby you did fine," Sarah tried to cox her younger brother. "Believe me,"
Toby shook his head unconvinced. "Sarah I couldn't even remember my lines."
She ruffed her brother's hair "Practice makes perfect. Don't worry next time you'll remember your lines." Sarah walked towards the kitchen picking up her bag full of students work she was yet to mark. Toby followed her into the kitchen and sat on a stool.

Sarah set her bag on the counter and put her hands on her hips "You hungry? I'll make you something."
Ignoring the note on the fridge from her stepmother to her brother she pulled it off and set it infront of her brother and looked in the fridge. "how do you feel about salmon?" She asked.
"Mom says don't touch the salmon."
Sarah glared into the fridge and grabbed the Salmon.
"Well she isn't my mother and you can just tell her your fairy god mother made it for you."
she set to work making dinner for both of them, once done she set a plate infront of him and then herself and began eating.
"So tell me, how's everything been going? And Toby be honest."

He bit his lip, "Fine, schools been pretty boring, nothing eventful."
Sarah sighed but accepted the answer. "Alright Toby."

They had finished eating and she picked up the plates and washed them. "Well I have to get going," she said and picked up her bag. "I have some work to do."
Toby stood up. "Let me walk you out,"
she nodded, "Alright Toby."
They walked together to the front door of the house. "I'll see you soon Toby, Call me if you need me"
Sarah walked out the door.
Toby shut it and let out a breath, "God I thought she'd never leave..."

He ran upstairs to his bedroom and plopped infront of the computer. I want to play some goblins before mom comes home.
he turned on his screen and signed in online.
he lifted an eyebrow. who keeps sending me all this gold....
he heard the door open and close downstairs, well that didn't last long.
He quickly pulled out his homework and turned off his computer screen just as his mother Irene opened the door.
"Doing your homework I see," her nose wrinkled. "What is that awful music Toby,"
"Music helps me study better" he replied to his mother.
"Well I don't like it,"
he sighed, "Don't worry mom, I'll turn it off."

his mother left his room and he quickly turned his computer screen back on.
Great I died, I'll have to start all over again.

It was Toby's calculus test today. He had stayed up all night getting all his items back, and he hadn't had the time to study.
Tired he looked down at the test infront of him, and instantly felt panic.
He didn't know anything, He was going to fail.
I wish I had the answers to the test.
He looked down and saw another piece of paper with the name 'Jareth' at the top.
It had all the answers to the test. He shook his head and crumbled up the test and tossed it into the garbage next to him.
It was instantly back on his desk. what the..?
he shook his head and ripped it up, Again putting it into the garbage can.
It was back on his desk again and put back together. He turned his head to look outside--Just as an owl hit into the window.

His teacher came up beside him and saw the ripped up piece of paper. "Trying to cheat Toby? how about you go to the guidance counselor and talk to him about this..."
Toby groaned and got up out of his chair and headed towards the guidance office.
he sat in the chair outside and layed his head on his knees.
Great, caught cheating. When I didn't actually cheat.
"Hello," a tall man came up to Toby and smiled. "Seems like I'm your new guidance counselor."
There was something sly about his smile. Like he had a secret to tell. His long blonde hair was tied back in a ponytail and he was wearing a suit.
"I didn't cheat," Toby said simply.
The man laughed, "Oh I know you didn't."
He leaned into Toby, "You've gotten everything you've ever wanted haven't you? Remember that kids bike you wanted so badly and you got it, 'My Bike's too old and girly' you told your parents but they refused to get you a new bike like the kid down the block, then suddenly, you got it,"

Toby's face fell, "How did you know about that..."
"Oh Jareth, I've been watching over you."

Toby felt panic, "I'LL GET THE PRINCIPAL!" he yelled.

"Principle? what do you know about Principles?" The man sneared. "You won't succeed without me,"
He shook his head, "And to think I thought you were worthy of the name Jareth....Toby..."

Toby had enough and left the office and went home, he looked at his history paper and sat there for half an hour. Staring at the screen.
He picked up his phone and dialed his sister's number.
"Sarah, I need your help with my history homework." he said once she answered.
"Toby, I don't have time for this right now, You're a big boy now you can do things on your own."
"But Sarah! I didn't say you had to do it I just want your help,"
Sarah sighed. "I have to go." Sarah hung up.

"Can't do stuff without you...I'll prove you I can."
He spent the rest of the night typing up his report once finished he printed it.
"YES! I DID IT!" he jumped up and accidently pulled out the cord for his computer. "WHAT NO!"
"Good thing I printed it..." he checked his printer "What?"
He heard giggling and saw a little goblin running into his closet, stunned only for a second he was more concerned about his homework. "Hey come back here with that!"
He ran in and chased the Goblin threw the crawl space and Into a completely different world.

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