Chapter Two

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"HEY COME BACK WITH THAT!" Toby yelled. he had to admit that was the strangest thing that's happened to him yet. This marks a new excuse. Yeah, a goblin stole my homework. As if his teacher would believe that.
He stopped and looked around, this place wasn't normal.
Toby walked up and down the side wall. there was no way in.
He stared at it for a second before he say a little furry beast run at him. "DIE GOBLIN SCUM!" he heard a voice shierk then felt a sharp pain in his foot.
"OW HEY!" he looked down to see a tiny person, a fairy he asumed.
"My sister once said fairies were nasty little things....didn't think she meant it.."
The fairy glared. "If you're not a goblin what are you?"
"Human," he replied, "I'm Toby," he held his finger out to shake her hand. she shook his finger "Hana" she jester to the beast and said "this is Stank"
"Do you happen to know a way into this labyrinth Hana?"
She shook her head, "If I did know a way into the Labyrinth I'd be in there killing every Goblin I see."
Toby's eyebrows knit together, "What's with the hatred of Goblins,"
she sighed.
"Well you see there was this Goblin couple who owned a Shoe store, I had lived above them in the attic, One day I heard them talking about selling the shop because their fingers just couldn't do it anymore.
So, I went down, worked all night and made shoes for them, I even left a note. They were back in business,
all they did was repay me with shoes,I needed a little more to survive so I went in to try and take a payment, but they caught me and pulled off my wings,"

"I can help you find your wings" Toby said, "as long as you help me into the labyrinth..."
"Deal" she looked around, "why don't we try him" she pointed to the man laying bricks who wasn't there before.

"Excuse me sir but do you know anyway in?" Toby asked him as polite as he could.
he shook his head. "No, just a brick layer."

Toby sighed, he was never gonna catch up with the homework thief if he couldn't enter, or get Hanas wings.

He turned to leave "Sir-" and Found that Hana, Stank and him were within the labyrinth. "How?!"
Toby looked forward and saw the Goblin that had stolen his homework peering around a corner, "No time for questions then, C'mon!"
He sprinted towards the Goblin through the Labyrinth there was a good chase until the little goblin let go of the piece of paper into a tube,
"What was that for!" Toby grabbed the Goblin by the collar.
"Skub sent it to the palace for the Goblin king,"

Toby glared at him. "Well do you know where the Palace is?"
Skub nodded.
"Yes, Skub does, Just beyond the Goblin city, Skub takes Toby there!"
Toby turned back and Looked at Hana and Stank, her expression not welcoming.
"Lets go" She said.

After awhile of walking they all stopped to take a break, "How much farther until we reach the Goblin King?" Toby asked and laid back.
Toby heard a laugh. "Toby Williams you're under arrest."
"W-What?" Toby felt something hit the back of his head and was out.

Toby had awaken in a jail cell across from Hana and Stank, he groaned, this was not his typical Monday. He looked over at Hana, "So how do we get out of here?" he asked,
"You don't" A young servant girl had walked in, She was young with blonde and appeared to be wearing a Goblin mask. "I'm Moppet," she got down on her knees outside Toby's cell, "And you must be Toby. The Mayor is awaiting your trial."
Toby glared at her,
Moppet sighed, "Personally, I'd rather free you guys, C'mon, lets go,"

"YOU TOBY HAVE VIOLATED THE LAW! In which states that you must infact give a two weeks notice before entering the Labyrinth, where within that time it must go through an approval of both the King and myself," He looked down at his paper, "And um....lets see....YES! And it's Punishable by death!"
Toby zoned out while the Goblin mayor continued on the sentence for Hana and Stank.
Just his luck...

"Your Majesty, a ball at such short notice?" Spittledrum asked Jareth, he was unsure, as to why the king was insisting this. "And invite all in the land?"
Jareth smiled, "Yes, I have an accounment tonight, I heard that Toby Williams in fact came here, and he is to be my guest tonight."
The Mayor's face fell, "T-Toby?"
He ran out of the room, yelling to stop the executioner from cutting off young Toby's head.
Jareth sighed and shook his head.
"I'm surrounded by idiots," The king stood up and looked over the room. "Won't be my problem any longer."

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