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Hello and happy new year!

This has been a LONG time coming, and I can only apologise that it has taken the amount of time it has. But, the wait is over, Blood will be posted every week on a Friday from here on out.

I have absolutely loved writing this, and really enjoyed seeing people's reactions as they're reading, so please do comment and vote as the chapters go up.

I am a self-published author, and your opinions mean a lot to me. If you'd like to see more of my work, please visit me at - Where you can sign up to my mailing list. You'll get a free story, and be kept up to date.

Lastly, please remember that reviews are the most important part in raising visibility of my work, so if you've read one of my books, please do head over to Amazon to review it. You don't need to write an essay, simply a star rating and a few words will be enough.

I hope you enjoy Blood. 


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