Chapter Sixteen

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Chapter Sixteen

The things we do for friends, Angela thought to herself and groaned at her strange reflection in the bathroom mirror.

Her hair was pulled back into a tight yet elegant bun that had far more pins holding it together than Angela thought was physically possible. There was also quite a bit of blood and sweat in there now too. Well not really blood, but it sure felt like it. There was definitely a lot of sweat and time put into it though and she couldn't remember a single time she had ever spent so much time working on her hair before. It just wasn't something she normally worried about, unlike Michelle.

She also wore makeup for the first time in a very long time. As she stared at her features that were lightly covered in some blush and mascara she realized that she could honestly only count three different times she had worn makeup. She refused to put on lipstick though. That was where she drew the line. There was no need for it and it was usually so hard to maintain. Too much of a hassle and she didn't care who was getting married.

Stepping back she gazed at her entire body for a long moment, frowning at the stupid little spring dress that Sandy had helped her pick out. It was a light blue and made from a light fabric that breathed a lot, but did it honestly have to be so short? The thing barely came down to her knees! It also showed off far more of her chest than she was happy about. It really didn't show any cleavage or anything like that, but pretty damn close.

What a nightmare that shopping trip had been. What had initially started out as quick run into the town to pick out something nice had turned into a two day ordeal. Sandy was hyper most of the time, but that was just pushing it. She dragged Angela from store to storenot that there were very many—and forced her to buy one thing after another. Makeup, perfume, bobby-pins, a dress, and even new bloody socks! What was the point of having to buy new socks? Weren't hers already good enough? They were cute... ish.

That hadn't even been the worst of it though, although Angela wished it had been. But no, Sandy smelled a juicy story in Alexander's appearance and she sniffed it out like a damn blood hound. It was seriously like being around a more rambunctious version of Michelle, only luckily this one didn't have an inclination towards the mysterious captain. Or was that lucky? No... that was getting off topic. It really didn't matter if she was interested in him in that way or not. And why should it?

It had taken a good hour and a half of explaining things to Sandy before the girl finally shut up about it. She had to explain nearly everything she knew about him and even speculate on a bunch of things she didn't know. Just dealing with all of that was enough to wind a person and Angela had been dead on her feet even before they got to the first store. It made her really regret her decision in bringing him along that morning. If she had just left him at home she could have avoided a whole bunch of headaches.

Just thinking back on it was starting to give her one.

“So, that guy you brought home with you,” Sandy had said, bringing up the one subject that Angela really hadn't wanted to talk about, “Is there anything going on between you two?”

“Nope,” had been her quick reply.

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