Chapter Twenty One

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Chapter Twenty One

The audio being fed into the cockpit of Angela's X-04 Rogue was nauseating. The sound of cannons, both on land and from sea, the scream of jets soaring over head, and the rumble of nearby Mech weapons thundering through the air cascaded through the small valley near the Japanese coast. Yet, even though it was hard to hear herself think, Angela still found all of her attention on Alexander's voice that streamed through her speakers in a calm and cool tone. The sound of his voice was like an island in the rough sea to Angela in that moment.

“Alright everyone, listen up!” he called out and the brutal sound of war raging all around them suddenly died out, like his words were more important than anything else happening in that moment. “Do exactly as I tell you and we have a good chance at winning this battle! The first thing we need to do is make sure those flying bastards don't make it to the city!”

“W... what about this huge frickin' one right there!” Sarah stammered, her normally cold and uncaring voice cracking under the weight of what stood before them.

Looking out Angela tried to prevent a shiver from running down her spine as she saw the horrible monster that should never exist. This was something that belonged only in nightmares and stories, not crashing through the battlefield. With the four scythe like arms on the upper part of its body and the massive and terrifying mouth filled with row upon row of sharp and serrated teeth, it was the single most terrifying being Angela had ever had the misfortune in seeing. Just watching as artillery shells broke apart against its massive scales and left not even a scratch behind nearly caused her to give into her fear and run for her life. Once more Alexander's voice broke through her mind and forced her to focus on him and him alone.

“We're going to break into two teams; one team chases down the ones that are trying to escape while the other team takes on the big bugger in front of us. I know that's probably not something you want to hear, but I think it's our only option,” he told them and Angela could barely understand what exactly he was implying. It wasn't until he contacted Command that she full realized what he intended to do. “Leviathan to Command. Two unknown UNE classifications have appeared from the Japanese Hive! I am sending you all the data I have collected on them now!”

“Roger, Leviathan! We are aware of these new enemies!” Kimberly's voice broke through the radio a second later, a slight crackle from all of the interference being thrown up in the middle of the chaos.

“First classification will be Hellbat and are currently on route to Tokyo. Second classification will be Destroyer and is advancing towards our line. Artillery seems to be ineffective at stopping it. I am splitting Lighting into two teams, Lightning One and Lightning Two. Lightning Two is tasked with running down the Hellbat's and eliminating them while Lightning One will focus all their attention on the Destroyer. How copy?”

“Solid copy, Leviathan. We will monitor your progress from here. Good luck!” Kimberly replied and now Angela could make out the tension in her voice. It was honestly hard to miss and she couldn't blame her at all. This could be the worst crisis humanity had ever faced.

“Black Cat!” Alexander now called out and for a second Angela didn't recognize her own call sign. It took him repeating it in a louder voice for it to finally click in her mind and she answered.

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