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"Hey honey you could be my drug, you could be my new prescription." - Neon Trees

"Because I like you."

HIS VOICE ECHOED IN MY HEAD AS HE LOOKED down at me, what did he just say? I shook my head in disbelief. "No you don't." I tried to say but it came out muffled and incoherent . Kyle Matthew Henderson does not like me, he can't like me. But you like him. My subconscious fought back with a snarl. Well yeah, of course I do. I'd be mad not too. Kyle's lips parted as I continued to stare at him in shock.

"Evelyn." He tried to say taken a step forward, I took a step backwards.


"Yes, baby."

"No." The words clumsily fell from my lips as I continued to step backwards until my back hit the kitchen Island. His nose brushed against mine as his fingers brushed through my hair, he nodded. "But you can't. Life doesn't work like that. Your crush isn't supposed to like you other back, that's why it's called a crush." I rationalised although mainly with myself as Kyle laughed heartily.

"Evelyn, for once be the author of your own book. I like you. As far as story cliches we are the biggest one yet. But I like you, alright? I like how when your nervous and want to say something you bite your lip, and how you try not to get mad but when you do you crinkle your nose and pick at your fingers, I like your laugh and how you'll get upset over a character in your book dying and try to hide it. I like how sensitive and aware you can be. I'm captivated by you and your beauty but most of all I like how you understand me. And see me more than a lead singer or narcissistic disk jokey. You see me for me - plus it's funny when you dance to The Beatles it's one band what you definitely don't need to gyrate to."

Damn it Kyle, had to ruin the moment.

I nodded at his words, a smile playing on my lips. "If I'm the author of my own book then my perfect guy wouldn't have said  that last part." I said coyly.

Am I flirting?

Kinda, very clumsily flirting.

He's laughing, good.

"Well, Eve that guy is only near perfect in comparison to me," He grinned but then his grin pulled into a slight frown, his eyes bored into mine they were stoney and serious. "I was serious about what I said earlier; I like you, a lot and I'm sorry for not saying it to you sooner but I-"

"Can't do this?" I filled in for him with a frown. His lips parted as shock fell on his face. Knew it. "Kyle, what was the point of you telling me all this shit if you're going to do the same-" Before I could finish my sentence his lips enveloped mine, pulling me closer to him if physically possible.

"For once woman, shut up." He said breathlessly with a slight chuckle as we pulled away, my cheeks felt flushed. "I wasn't going to say that. Shocker, I know."

I was embarrassed to say the least, "Well, what were you going to say?" I asked impatiently.

"Id get there if you'd quit interrupting me."

"Sorry." I apologised focusing on the floor, he lifted my head with the pad of his thumb and kissed my cheek.

"It's fine, what I was going to say was that I just want to get to know you a little more before we go any further and I think you'd like to know a bit about me before we get into a relationship." He finished his cheeks now flushed.


Did he just say 'relationship'?

"This is the part where you speak and don't make me look crazy. You do like me back though, right? Otherwise I've been reading this thing all wrong. Wait do you like Arlo? Is that why you were all quiet with him yesterday." He rambled but his eyes darkened as he glared down at me, this snapped me out of my daze.

"First of all, Arlo is more attracted to his shadow more than me, I don't like him like that. He was actually apologising for what happened, he got caught up in the moment and was thinking about some girl...Alexis? Alexa? Something like that." 

"You didn't answer my question." He pressed his eyebrows raised.

"Yes, I did..."

"No you didn't, I asked: do you like me?"


"Yeah, 'oh'. Is that a yes or no, cause I'm going out of my mind and if it's a no then I've probably ruined my friendship with you and-" This time it was my turn to cut him off, bearing in mind Kyle was like a good foot taller than me, my forehead was just at the nape of his neck so I awkwardly pulled him towards me by his shirt collar and I almost kissed him.

Key word, almost.

I accidentally hit his chin on my head leaving the both of us to hold a bag of frozen vegetables to our faces. "You have a fucking hard head." He mumbled sliding down the door of the freezer, I sat next to him leaning my not-so-painful side of my head on his shoulder.

"I was trying to be romantic and brave like you, which I'll never do again since I'm apparently too awkward to have a smooth recovery."

Kyle laughed before suddenly groaning and throwing the packet onto the counter tabletop. "It was cute, even if you've potentially bruised my face."

"Thanks but I was trying to say that I like you too, more than I'd like to to be honest." I answered tiredly, leaning over him and placing the peas on the side. His arms wrapped around my waist, pulling me on top of him so my legs were on his lap and my body was pressed against his side.

"Well, hopefully I can fix things with you and start something good so, Hi. I'm Kyle Matthew Henderson, I'm 24, a recovering alcoholic, originally from Camden, living in Westminster. Lead singer/Songwriter in a band with a shitty name, also known as The Dirtbags and I fancy a girl named Evelyn Gray-- I probably don't fit your description of the 'perfect' guy, Eve but I'm willing to try." He gave a lopsided smile and I nodded back.

"I'm Evelyn Ever Rose Grey-Chambers, I'm 20, originally from Sutton, I have a twin brother called Ezra, had another called Theo, I love reading especially romance novels and I kind of fancy a guy called Kyle who is a bit of a narcissist."  I winked making Kyle roll his eyes and we stayed like that for who knows how long on the kitchen floor just talking about everything and nothing. About our fears and our dreams, how he thinks the arts are superior to a lot off things and how old he was when he first learned he could sing, about our hopes and Ezra and before we were separated about what keeps us going.

But I couldn't tell him about Theo, not yet.



They admired it 🤗🤗 Just so you know, the places they are talking about are real places, in London (technically they're boroughs of London but U.K.
Geography is weird to explain aha). I'm glad you guys are liking it.


I may have miscalculated the number of chapters I had left, there's still a LOT that needs to happen with Kyle and Evelyn's story and I don't really want to leave it unfinished so if I feel that it's can't be all put into one book then I'll make a sequel and not a cheesy one either 😂 but I have a book plot for Arlo and Slater if you guys are interested?

WHEN DO YOU GUYS GO BACK TO SCHOOL/COLLEGE/EDUCATION/WORK? I go back on Monday and guess who's not looking forward to a boring 2 hour lecture? Me. 🤚

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