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"Maybe ever'body in the whole damn world is scared of each other. " - John Steinbeck, Of Mice and Men



MY EYES FIXATED ON THE GIRL in front of me, she muttered a small apology before walking towards the counter just as Slater came back towards me with my change in his hands.

"Ky, we will meet at yours, alright?" Slater appeared beside me slapping my back motioning for the others to exit the booth. They filed beside me muttering a goodbye.

"Wait, slow down little brother," I glowered grabbing the collar to his thick knitted sweater. Granted, Summer was slowly melting into Autumn, but most days the sun was out, so how he wasn't dying in this heat is beyond me.  "Change."

Slater's lips parted as he dug around in his pockets and handing me a huge total of £1.19, an American quarter, a button, a torn napkin and a ling ball. "What the fuck?" A sheepish grin appeared on his face. "What the fuck did you guys order? Were you feeding the five thousand or something? There should be £20 change." 

"I actually need the pound for cab fare, I'm a little short." He grinned ignoring my question snatching the £1.19 from my hands. "19p for a tip of course." He beamed before running back out the cafe towards the guys. I rolled my eyes at his retreating figure following behind him hurriedly.

"Wait a minute!" I yelled grabbing Slater by the collar again hearing a small choking sound from where I had grabbed him too hard.

"I really wish you'd stop doing that," Slater grumbled adjusting his glasses and oversized jumper. "Yes, how may I help you dear brother of mine?"

"I'm coming." I grinned before pushing past him and pilled into the black cab. Moments later the guys ran out of the cab and dispersed themselves around my house and I found myself sitting on the top of my roof above my balcony.

I think evenings were my favourite time of the day, especially in London. There was something about the evening sky and how in Autumn it shifted from blue to a unique pinkish-purplish hue, humming of cars and the laughter of kids who are either just coming home from school or the ones that stayed out after school and were somewhere within the city.

My eyes scanned across the rooftop as I put a cigarette to my lips. My mind drifted back to the café, more importantly back to Christa. She was a beautiful little vixen. How could someone so beautiful be cruel to another human being? And why after three years do these feelings still feel raw?

**flashback a three and a half years ago**

I scanned the record store looking for some George Ezra album knowing Christa would go crazy for it, especially after she insisted that I listened to 'Budapest' more than a thousand times. I rolled my eyes giving the cashier the money and exited the store. It was nearing Valentine's Day, every girl's dream day right? Red and pink heart-shaped balloons scattered the streets and the sticky smell of candy floss wafted out of almost every single store.

I didn't necessarily hate Valentine's Day, I just didn't understand why only one day out of the year would be dedicated to loving someone. What about the rest of the year? Treat them like crap?

Shaking my thoughts away I strode into my Uncles house, record and bear in my hand moving as quickly as I could knowing Christa's shift at my Uncles shop, Doc's Mechanics ended soon and she was coming straight over here.

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