━━ chapter five.

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A SPARRING SESSION was taking place between Wanda and Stephen in the training room. Wanda conjured up a shield, deflecting all of Stephen's attacks. He was impressed. She muttered an incantation, summoning an axe. She held the weapon with her right hand, amazed at the fact she was able to summon a weapon easily. Stephen was astonished.

"How did I..." she stuttered.

"You've come far Wanda." Stephen smiled. He handed her his own sling ring, to see if she can finally open a portal. There were numerous of attempts undergone by Wanda in summoning one but all attempts resulted in failure. Maybe today was the day. Wanda slipped the ring around her fingers, beginning to move her hand in a clockwise direction. Sparks sputtered out, before a portal appeared in front of her.

"Aw little Maximoff finally summoned a portal." Clea teased. Wanda gritted her teeth in annoyance.

"Well done Wanda." Stephen congratulated her.

"Excuse me." she bluntly said, brushing past Stephen and Clea.

"What's wrong with her?" Clea smirked.

"I don't know why the two of you hate each other. We're on the same team." Stephen felt frustrated by the immature behaviour between the two of them.

"Maybe she has a little crush on her teacher." Clea teased.

"Don't be absurd Clea." Stephen snapped.

"Sorry." Clea apologised, going quiet.

"I'm sorry, I shouldn't have snapped at you." He started to develop strong feelings for Clea these past two months. Together they worked closely into gaining more intel from Mordo regarding his plan. Stephen grew attached to Clea's company. Possibly she feels the same as well. Sadly there is no time for that at the moment. A faint green glow began to illuminate in the room.

"It's the orb." Clea rushed towards it. Stephen followed close by, standing in front of the orb. He grabbed the orb with both of his hands, before images began to flash in front of his eyes.

He saw Wanda, her eyes glowing red, standing armed in front of someone. Stephen couldn't see who it was. The image shifted to show Stephen lying on the ground, blood seeping from his robes. The image shifted once more, showing someone whisper something in his ear. He couldn't tell what it was.

His eyes stopped glowing, his breath heavy. Clea stared at him in confusion.

"What did you see Stephen?" she asked.

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