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" i wonder how much of what weighs me down is not mine to carry "

No one had ever seen Draco Malfoy angry. Never like this, anyways. And, quite frankly, it scared everyone. While people knew that he cared a great deal for Romy Honey, no one had ever realized it was to this extent. They just thought it was some mindless crush. They thought it was something that he'd forget about in a few months. They didn't know that he liked her since the first day of first year. They didn't know that, when he watched her know the answer to every question, he fell for her. They didn't know that, as he realized that she knew so much more about the wizarding world than he did despite him growing up in this world, he began to question the so-called validity of blood purity. She opened up his eyes without even realizing what she was doing. Because of her, he realized that his father was wrong about...Well, everything. Muggles aren't weak. They're strong. Stronger than purebloods, because they know how to not use magic and survive. Muggleborns could live in both worlds and persevere. Him? He'd probably die within the first few seconds of being in a Muggle community. And he may have only been twelve, but he knew how he felt about Romilly Trivia Honey. He knew that she was the best damn thing that ever happened to him. And he knew that the reason he treated her different than any other Muggleborn was because, despite their age, he was in love with her. Because love knows no limits. And it might not have been the I'm-going-to-marry-you-one-day kind of in-love-with-you, but he was in love. Because not all types of love is romantic. Draco Malfoy was in love with Romilly Honey, and he was going to destroy whoever harmed Hogwarts's demigod.

But he may never have the opportunity. Rumor had it, Hogwarts was going to shut down. His father had Dumbledore removed from the school, claiming that the old man was unfit for the job. All because the Headmaster couldn't stop the attacks. Despite Draco's dislike of the man, he knew that this was a terrible decision. He knew that people feared Dumbledore and the only reason that there weren't more attacks was because of Dumbledore's presence in the school. With him gone, all hell would break loose. Draco was beginning to lose hope. That was, until he received a letter from his grandfather.

Technically, the letter was for Romy. But, because the owl couldn't get to Romy, it took the letter to the only other person it knew: Draco. Curiosity filling him, he opened it. He needed to know what was enclosed in the letter. He needed to know what his grandfather knew. So, he read the letter.

"Dear Romilly Honey,

I fear this letter won't reach you in time, but I must try anyway. I wasn't completely truthful in my previous letter. I know what the beast is. I know who opened the Chamber last time. And I know that they managed to open it again. The Heir, his name is Tom Riddle. The name is probably unfamiliar to you. I doubt you or any other student at Hogwarts knows who this man is. Or rather, who he was. Tom Riddle grew up to become one of the villainous wizards our world has ever seen. He became Lord Voldemort, and that's why you need to leave the school. If there's anyone who has the potential to become a more powerful witch/wizard than him, it's you. He always feared those who were better than him. And he always tried to get rid of them. Don't be surprised if Dumbledore is soon removed from the school. You need to get out of there. The Beast will come for you soon if it hasn't already. Get out of Hogwarts and never look back. This world isn't safe for you.

Abraxas Malfoy

P.S. If this letter cannot convince you to leave, for my grandson's sake, please be careful. We cannot lose someone like you."

Draco's blood ran cold. The Dark Lord had somehow infiltrated the castle. The Dark Lord was the reason Romy was petrified. And Draco knew that, had it not been for Granger and the Ravenclaw girl being present, Romy would've been killed.

Draco knew what he had to do.

And he hated that he had to do this.

But, he needed to have a talk with Potter.

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