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" you don't need a reason to help people "

It was well past Easter before anything interesting happened again. Romy was unable to help her friends with anything regarding the Stone or Nicolas Flamel. She had been swamped with work in all of her classes, and struggled to keep up with her Parseltongue lessons. Many times she had to go to Madame Pomfrey for a Draught of Peace to calm her nerves. And, on a particularly quiet evening, she sat in the Slytherin common room, working on the various homework she had been assigned, going from one assignment to the next, until she heard the creak of the steps to the dorms. Her head snapped in the direction of the noise, and she saw the familiar white-blonde hair. She grit her teeth, praying to Fortuna that luck would be on her side, that Malfoy wouldn't say anything to her, but quickly noticed that he was dressed like he was going to be headed out. She quickly shoved her papers, inkwell, and quill into her bag, watching Malfoy carefully. "Where do you think you're going?" she demanded, rising to her feet.

His eyes snapped to her, watching her carefully. Then, holding his head high, he said, "I'm going to get Potter and his mudblood & blood traitor friends in trouble."

"Oh, no you're not!" she growled, throwing her bag over her shoulder, hot on his heels as he rushed out of the common room.

He shot her a nasty look, raising his wand, and murmured, "Silencio."

She opened her mouth, ready to tell him off, but no sounds would come out. Seeming pleased, he grabbed her by the wrist and dragged her down the corridor. Romy fought against him, but because she hadn't trained in ages, she was lacking in the strength department. All she could do was follow Malfoy, and pray that a teacher or a Prefect or even Peeves the poltergeist would find them before he could get her friends in trouble.

Malfoy dragged her down to Hagrid's, whispering to her about how he heard the Gryffindors would be down here after curfew. She didn't care, though. She just wished he would fail in his attempts. They stopped by the window, Malfoy peering inside. He continued whispering to her, telling her what was happening inside. Still, she didn't care. But then, Malfoy gasped and declared, "That oaf's got a dragon!"

He grabbed her by the wrist once more, and took off running back to the castle. They went straight to McGonagall's office and, just before, he knocked on the door, Malfoy performed the counter-curse, allowing Romy to speak once more. After knocking, the door swung open and a curious McGonagall faced them. Malfoy babbled out a long explanation as to why they're out of bed. Quickly, her expression turned from curious to furious and the three of them went to the corridor, ready to get the trio.

And, as they rounded the corner, they came face to face with Harry, Hermione, and Ron. Everything froze as they stared at one another. Then, in an obviously disappointed tone, McGonagall said, "Good evening."

They were immediately taken to McGonagall's classroom and stood in front her, Malfoy smirking, and the other four looking disheartened. Meanwhile, McGonagall was ranting, "Nothing, I repeat, nothing gives a student the right to walk about the school at night. Therefore, as punishment for your actions, fifty points will be taken."

Harry's jaw dropped. "Fifty?!"

"Each," McGonagall confirmed. "And to ensure it doesn't happen again, all five of you will receive detention."

Malfoy's smirk vanished. "Um, excuse me, Professor. Perhaps I heard you wrong. I thought you said 'the five of us'."

McGonagall shook her head. "No, you heard me correctly, Mr. Malfoy. You see, as honorable as your intentions were, you and Miss Honey were, too, out of bed afters hours. You will serve detention with your classmates."

Romy glared at Malfoy, knowing that he was the reason she was receiving her first ever detention, but held her tongue until McGonagall had dismissed them. As soon as they were in the corridor, Romy whispered an apology to her friends, saying that she didn't want them to get in trouble, that she tried to stop Malfoy. They accepted her apology after a moment, then they had to go their separate ways. And the entire way back to the common room, Romy ranted to Malfoy by the sheer idiocy of his actions.

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