Chapter 41

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Please note: I am updating this draft of The Prisoner of Arlunn. The most important change is that the main character's name has been changed from Philip to Rian.

The whole castle was abuzz with activity for awhile. The Flame had tried to kill Kyran, but it had failed. He passed out at the end of the Test of Ages. And while the test had taken longer than usual, apparently it had its own time limit and the Flame shut itself down before it could complete the task.

The fact that he'd survived would bring on a whole new controversy. But Kyran's life-force was extremely weak. They took him to the Healer's wing. Normally, they would have used spells to try and revive him, but as this was the Test of the Ages, they were forbidden from using anything but herbs to help him.

He could still die from the shock of the Test.

Arryk and Barris accompanied the boy. An hour later, one of the Healers said that if Kyran survived the night and regained consciousness, then he'd probably be all right. The outcome wasn't certain.

Barris volunteered to stay with Kyran and watch him.

Arryk made his way back to the Interstitium to face Rian and give him the news, not a job he relished. Kyran had faced the test bravely and Arryk ended up having more respect for the boy than he'd anticipated.

The halls were empty and Arryk easily made it safely into the Arena and teleported to the fortress gate-point. Alone in the entry room sat Rian, waiting. He looked up at Arryk, face ashen and lined with worry. No doubt he hadn't moved from that spot since Arryk left, hours ago.

"They went ahead with the Test?" asked Rian, with a look of dread.

"Yes," said Arryk.


"Your brother is alive, but just barely."

Some relief showed on Rian's face. "Will he live?"

"The Healers aren't sure. He's unconscious. If he survives the night, they think he'll be all right."

Arryk headed down the hall to the tower; Rian followed.

"They say the Test is voluntary," said Rian. "Did they force him to take it?"

"No," said Arryk. "And both I and Barris advised him against it. He knew what he was doing."

"Then why did he take it?"

Arryk turned to face Rian. "Because he really wants to be your second in the Challenge. He knows he's not destined to have much of a life. And, admittedly, as ill-advised as nominating him as your second was, it might be the only chance he has for freedom."

"I want to go see him," said Rian. They both stood alone in the bottom room of the tower.

"No," said Arryk. He had anticipated this confrontation. "Barris is with him. He'll inform us if there's any change." He knew it was harsh. He should give in and let Rian go, but once he let Rian go back to the safe area in Arlunn, then he would be out of Arryk's control.

"But, Kyran could die!"

"Are you ready to withdraw from the Challenge?" That had been Arryk's original stipulation—if Rian withdrew from the Challenge, then Arryk would release him.

Rian struggled with this; perhaps he was very tempted. Truthfully, it would be foolish for Rian to withdraw now. He'd be giving up his chance to be the King of Cathal, if he indeed he had one. If Kyran survived, then the Arlunni might free him. On the other hand, the last thing Arryk wanted was a magic-spawn in his fortress.

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