Chapter 38

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Please note: I am updating this draft of The Prisoner of Arlunn. The most important change is that the main character's name has been changed from Philip to Rian.


After Rian's ordeal—being captured by Shaz and then nearly being sucked into the void at the edge of the Interstitium—Rian was allowed to rest that evening and even to sleep in the following morning. The respite was a welcome one.

First of all, the fortress had taken a lot of damage when Shaz attacked it. And he'd ruined the paravescea. Much of what was left of the fortress crumbled down. By the time Rian returned, they had started rebuilding.

At first, he hoped maybe they wouldn't put him in a cell again, that they would have learned to trust him a little through the ordeal, but it wasn't so. Arryk still took up a section of the new tower to house Rian's cell.

Though Rian resented it, it felt good to relax for a few days while they finished the tower and installed a new paravescea, which took up a great deal of time and effort.

Rian knew this respite wouldn't last.

And he was right.

"Enough lounging around," said Arryk, the day after the new paravescea was completed. "It's time you got back to work." By work, Arryk meant avoiding deadly blows. Rian followed him out of his cell to an open space near the wall.

"All right," said Arryk, "you know a few spells. Let's test them." He drew out his dagger.

Azure and Barris had been talking to Arryk. Now they sat at the table to eat, watching Arryk test Rian.

Rian drew in a deep breath. He noticed that the largest crystal in Arryk's amulet now glowed with energy. Several of the others amulets did also. Rian wondered about it.

"Go ahead and reset your armor and blade turn spells," said Arryk.

Rian nodded. It took him several minutes; he was a little out of practice. Meanwhile, Arryk drew his dagger. Rian tried to hurry, knowing that his time was limited. Soon, Arryk came at him, dagger in hand.

"Asta binet!" said Rian, activating the hand shield to deflect Arryk's attack. For several minutes, Rian managed to ward off Arryk's blade, using the hand shield, but it took all his concentration. He had no way to attack Arryk and so all of his energy went to defense.

Finally, one of Arryk's attacks got through, but the blade-turn spell deflected it, to Rian's relief. Next time he wouldn't be so lucky, but the low-level armor would help moderate the damage.

They fought for several more minutes. Then Arryk cast another spell on Rian. "Sebrile dris!" he said. An invisible bond constricted around Rian's arms, rendering him helpless.

"You recognize this?" asked Arryk. Rian nodded. Both Arryk and Chlan had used it on Rian at different times to take him prisoner.

"Yes," said Rian, fearing that Arryk would attack him in his helpless state.

"It's a simple spell," said Arryk, arrogantly. "Anyone could cast it on you."

Finished with breakfast, Azure and Barris now watched the fight with amusement.

Rian thought furiously, trying to think of a solution before Arryk could act.

"Cartch olir resk!" shouted Rian, trying to use his mage hand to fling away the invisible bonds. It failed.

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