Chapter Six

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My eyes gazed out upon the city that still rumbled in liveliness. It was one o’clock in the morning and I found myself incapable of sleeping. David’s request still stuck to my mind like glue. His request bothered me just the slightest bit. Even though I’d awfully like to help him, I still couldn’t grasp what conversation I’ll be having once I meet his parents. Surely they would think I was delirious. I wearily exhaled my exhaustion, admitting it’s finally time to sleep. As I lay myself to sleep, I closed my eyes, praying that later on in the day, everything will turn out for the better.

A couple of hours later I woke up to the sound of rapid knocks on my door. I tried drowning out the noise by hiding deeper under the covers but it was no use. Groaning I got out of bed and marched to the door, flinging it open furiously.

“Kate, I swear you have to give me some good damn explaina…” my voice trailed off into silence as I very much mistaken assumed who would be at the other side of the door. Evan stood there, holding a paper bag in his hand. “Oh my God. I’m so sorry. I thought you were Kate. What are you doing here?”

“I thought I’d stop by and have breakfast with you,” he said, raising an eyebrow whilst handing out to me the brown paper bag. “Are you okay? You look like you didn’t have a good night sleep.”

“Yeah, I’m fine,” I gave him a small smile, letting him in to my apartment. “Come on in. Thanks for buying breakfast.”

Evan put the brown paper bag in the middle of the breakfast counter and pulled me by the waist towards him. A grin plastered to his face. I smiled back at him, encircling my arms around his neck.

“I can’t believe you’re here,” I said softly, my eyes fixated on his.

“I told you I’m ready for a new beginning,” he said with a smile. 

I unwrapped my arms around him and began unpacking the brown paper bag. Various toasted bagels inside made my stomach grumble. Grabbing a plate, I set the toasted bagels on them and set it on the counter. As I open the fridge to grab a carton of orange juice, I jumped as David appeared out of thin air when I closed the fridge.

“Please tell me you’re not wasting your time with this loser,” he said in disgust. I rolled my eyes and walked past through him, feeling a bit of a chill as I did so.

“So tell me how things are at your place,” I ask Evan as I sit down beside him, pouring him some orange juice. “Did you talk to Vanessa and your Mom already?”

“Yes,” Evan replied.

“This douche is lying to you,” a voice came from somewhere behind me. I dared myself to not look.

“What did they say?” I pressed on asking Evan.

“It’s not important for you to hear,” Evan said after gulping down his orange juice.

“How about we skip the crap and get on with what’s really important here?” David grumbled some more, this time his voice closer. “I know I’m dead and I got all the time I need but, the killer is still alive and I want to bust her ass as soon as possible. Your douche bag boyfriend is not helping!”

“Okay fine!” I said a little too loud. Evan looked at me with both eyebrows raised. “I’m sorry, I have to go to work now. I remember I have to be at the boutique early. It was nice having breakfast with you, Evan. I’m just going to take a shower and I’ll be on my way.”

With a last gulp of orange juice and one last smile, I retreated to my bedroom to take a shower. Within five minutes, I was out of the shower and putting my clothes on. Gasping as I turned around and saw Evan watching me silently. I walk past him and got myself ready. Throwing on a pair of black skinny jeans and black tank top. I know I was too casual today but I’m going to be dealing with this annoying ghost all day. The probability of a customer coming today is slight too because the sky had darkened. I look away from my reflection from my vanity table as I brush my wet hair, Evan was still standing by the bathroom doorway, eyes glued to me. 

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