Who Ever Said Life Was Easy? [Chapter 21]

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Who Ever Said Life Was Easy?

Chapter 21

I tried to inch as far away from him as I could. But I was in a box, and there wasn't really anywhere to go.

Kevin's hand reached into the box and grabbed a handful of my red hair. I let out an ear piercing scream when he started to pull me up by my hair.

The evil glint in his eyes was even worse than usual, which gave me a scary feeling that I wasn't going to survive his next little game.

I just gave up after seeing that. Tears started falling down my face. I didn't care if he saw anymore. I just couldn't do this anymore.

The evil smirk grew on his face. He enjoyed seeing my pain. The pain I had tried so hard to keep hidden from him.

More tears started to fall as my wall started to collapse.

"Put her down and maybe I won't kill you." It took me a second to realize that it wasn't Kevin or me who had spoken. "Did you hear me? Or are you as stupid as I thought." The same voice spoke again.

I couldn't see who it was, and I was to out of it to recognize the voice.

Kevin spun his body in the direction of the voice, dragging me with him. I let out another scream as he pulled me along by my hair. "Aw, looky here. Daddy came to save the little brat."

For the first time, I got a look at the person. It was Lance. "Fuck you. Let her go. Be a man and fight someone your own size." Lance spat.

"Well that wouldn't be fair now would it? You have a gun. What do I have? My fists?" Kevin said in an overly sweet voice.

"No weapons. Man to man." I don't know how I didn't realize it before, but Lance had a small hand gun pointed at Kevin.

"No!" I shouted. Lance couldn't fight Kevin. He didn't know how strong Kevin was.

"Shut up bitch." Kevin slapped me with his free hand, causing me to spin. His other hand was still holding on to my hair.

I let out a small screech.

All of a sudden I was falling to the ground. I rolled over and looked to my right. Lance was on top of Kevin trying to beat the shit out of him.

But like I thought earlier, Kevin was stronger. When Kevin flipped them over so Lance was on the bottom, I knew I had to do something.

I looked around franticly for something that I could use to help Lance.

Finally my eyes slid across a crowbar. It was leaning against the far wall. I knew what I needed to do, so I got up off the ground and ran to it. After picking it up, I ran back to the fighting Lance and Kevin.

Lance was still on the bottom and had what looked like a bloody nose and a scratch on the side of his face.

I couldn't see Kevin's face, but I was guessing there were at least a few signs of battle on his face too.

I wasn't sure if I wanted to do this. No matter what, I didn't want to stoop to Kevin's level. I couldn't even hurt a fly. But once his fist connected with Lance's head I saw that that if I didn't do something, Lance would end up seriously injured. And I would not let that happen.

I positioned myself behind Kevin and counted to three.




I brought the crowbar behind me, and slammed it down on Kevin's head. He suddenly stopped moving and, it took a few seconds, but he fell over onto the ground.

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