Who Ever Said Life Was Easy? [Chapter 10]

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Who Ever Said Life Was Easy?

Ch. 10

wow. chapter 10 already? :o

this is exciting lol (:

so im sorry that it took me a little over a week to post this :/ but i worked on this (only a little :/) during vaction (:

so ill stop talking and you can read... unless you skipped this... oh well xD anywho, enjoy (:


As DJ started dialing his mom's number, I felt something grab my hair and pull me backwards.


"What do you think you're doing running away from /me/?" A voice I knew all to well from my nightmares whispered.

The only answer I could come up with was a whimper. I wanted to be strong. Oh, I wanted, so badly, to tell Kevin to fuck off. But after that nightmare I had, I was way to afraid. I didn't want it to come true, but I had a feeling that it probably would.

I looked over to DJ who was only a few yards away. Just out of hearing and touching distance.

I was tempted to scream or do something, anything, to get DJ's attention. But I had a feeling that that would only just make things worse.

"Just turn around and walk away, it'll make things easier for your friend over there. Wouldn't want him to get hurt now would we?" He whispered in a voice that sent chills down my spine, almost mirroring my thoughts.

Water started to fill my eyes. No. I wouldn't cry. I couldn't. He wasn't worth it. That's exactly what I've been telling myself from day one. He would never make me cry again.

"Yes." I started to whisper. But it was to late. DJ had hung up his phone and turned around.

Now we was looking directly at me and Kevin.

"Don't do anything stupid now boy. Just walk away. Save yourself the trouble, she's not worth it." Kevin now spoke so DJ could hear him.

But I knew DJ wouldn't walk away. I could see the fire in his eyes and I remembered his promise to never let anything happen to me.

Kevin must have also noticed the fierce expression on DJ's face too, becuase next thing I knew Kevin had pushed me to the ground.

It was unexpected so I didn't have time to react. I ended up landing on the arm that was broken and now had a cast. I winced in pain, but knew I couldn't waste time thinking about my arm. Kevin was advancing on DJ and I knew he would end up with worse than a broken arm.

The next movement was kind of like a seesaw though. As soon as I stood back up, Kevin fell to the ground, slamming his head into the sidewalk.

A hobo ((a/n:YAY RANDOM HOBOS roflmfao)) that had been walking by hit Kevin in the back of the head with an empty glass bottle.

"Thanks." DJ and I exhaled at the same time.

"No problem. Looked like he was givin' you kids a hard time." The hobo slurred drunkenly.

"We should probably call the cops." DJ said.

"But-" I was cut of by the hobo, "Nah, listen to you're fella over there. Call the cops on that creeper."

I defenitly didn't want to be explaining why Kevin attacked us to the cops, and I kind of wanted to leave him here. After a few seconds of thought I decided I wouldn't be like him and leave him here to die. As for the other thing, I decided I didn't want Kevin messing up my life anymore.

DJ was still looking at me, not sure if I wanted him to call the cops, so I just nodded.

He pulled out his phone again and dialed 911.

As DJ was talking to the 911 operator, his mom pulled up in her car. The moment she saw Kevin on the ground, knocked out, she ran out of her car. "Oh my gosh! Who is that? What happened? Are okay? Wait! Is that you're step-father?" She exploaded with questions.

"Um..." I was going to answer he questions but I couldn't figure out which to answer, there were to many.

"That's Kevin. Yes we're okay. And what happened... well that's a long story." DJ must've finished talking to 911 because he answered his mom's questions. "A cop and an ambulance are on their way."

Next thing I knew she engulfed me into a hug, "I'm so sorry sweetie. Don't worry. Everything will be okay."

"Can't....Breath...." I managed to gasp. For such a small lady she sure had a grip.

"Oh, I'm sorry." She immediately let go. "But don't worry. Everything will get sorted out now."

I wasn't sure what to say so I just nodded.

A few seconds later my thoughts were interrupted when two cop cars and an ambulance, all with their sirens on, skidded to a stop not 10 feet away.

Kevin had started to wake up and move, but before he could understand what had happened he was handcuffed and put in the ambulance.

A cop came over to us. It was a guy who looked to be in his 40s. He had a mustache and hard eyes, but seemed nice enough. "I'm going to need to bring you guys down to the station. We're giong to need each of you're stories to find out what happened." It wasn't till now that I noticed that the hobo wasn't here anymore. I shrugged it off, it wasn't like it was important.

DJ's mom said that she wasn't here when everything happened, but the cop told her that he'd still need a statment from her. So he loaded us all into the back of his cop car and brought us to the station.

The cop decided that I would go first seeing as they found out he was my step father and figured that I'd have the biggest story for them.

I sat down in the interragation room, even though the cop told me I wasn't actually under interragation. At the table across from me was the cop that brought us down here. The room was quiet small, but there was something about it that gave me the chills. Probably the fact that criminals had been in the same chair and room as me.

"Alright. So tell me what happened."

I didn't know what to say. It was hard enough to tell DJ about my abusive step-father. How was I going to tell these people? They would probably take me away from my home too. That wouldn't bother me, but what would bother me was the fact that I'd most likely go to some kind of home with strange people I didn't know. It could also be far away, somewhere where I would never see DJ or his mom again. I couldn't do that. He was the one good thing in my life right now. Actually he was the one good thing in my life ever.

I kept thinking. What was I going to say? A few seconds later I decided...


haha, cliff hangers. gosh, dont you guys love me? :P

what do you think she's going to say? a lie or the truth? :o

sorry if there are any typos :/ i hate re-reading >_> never do it on my tests or anything lol *shrug*

but yeah, comment/vote/fan 8D

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