Chapter 3

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"Your pregnant" the doctor said."I'm what" Louis said clearly confused."Louis you might he shocked but its not that rare for men to get pregnant. Over the past years we have recorded male pregnancies." "How am I pregnant." Louis word still confused."Well Louis it sees that you have a fully working reproducting system." "Oh" Louis said."Would you like a picture"."2" "ok would you like me to bring your mum in" Louis nodded.


"Parent of Louis tomlinson" I got up from my seat and followed the doctor into a room. When I got to the room I saw.Louis sitting on a bed looking at the floor."Louis whats the matter" I said walking over to him and hugging him."mum please don't hate me" Louis said now crying." I will never hate Louis whats wrong" "mum I..I... I'm pregnant" "I knew this could happen" I said under my breath.

"WHAT!" Louis said getting angry."Louis look I never told you because I never expected this to happen but I will be here for you"."do you know who the father is" I asked."Harry" Louis mumbled "oh,your gonna have to tell him" "I know" just then the doctor came in with two songrams." Ok Louis so now that you are caring this child I need to info you on some things, that if you plan on keeping it"

"I'm keeping it" Louis said with a small smile on his face." Ok so sine you can't produce enough hormones I have prescribed you hormone pills and all you need to do is enject them threw your belly button I'd say twice a day. Also you need to be more careful of your self now, that means no jostling your self around to much cause that can cause a miscarriage or still birth" Louis look scared at the still birth and miscarriage part."ok I understand I will make sure to take of myself" "ok that good" the doctor said " your next appointment is in 4 weeks intill then take care of your self"


The car ride home was silent because I was thinking of ways how to tell harry that I'm pregnant and its his child. When I got home I decided to text harry and invite him, his mum, his sister and dad.

To: Harold

Can you and your family come over for dinner I have to tell you something very important. :-p

From: Harold

Sure ill ask my mum any hints. ;)

To: Harold

No you have to wait and see mwhaaaa :-¡

From: Harold

Fine be like that. :-p

But the thing that harry did not know is that is was the night his life started.

[A/N ] its been awhile anyways instead of making a new chapter I just edited this one so in some sort of way I updated it. Also this is written on my phone so it take a little longer to write so bye. :P

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