🍾 epilogue pt. 1

120 11 8

I miss the way that you saw me
Or maybe the way I saw myself


HAYDEN WAS THE first and only girl I've ever loved. Tonight she looked more beautiful than ever, the epitome of classy in a pretty red dress with a perfectly fitted bodice and a skirt just full enough that it flared upward before falling back down and hugging her hips as Grant twirled her around to the jazzy tune of "Let it Snow."

"More champagne?"

Elbow slipping off the couch's leather armrest, I folded both my hands together and sat up straight, focusing on the figure that had stepped into my field of vision. Standing in front of me with a dark bottle in hand was Hayden's friend Clara.

Stretching out my arm, I handed her my empty glass and watched as she filled it with bubbly golden liquid. "Thank you."

Clara nodded before turning back around and disappearing into the small crowd of people to refill more glasses.

Tipping my glass back and allowing some of the cool liquid into my mouth, I thought of last New Year's Eve. Clara reminded me a little of Vanessa with her dirty blonde hair and tall stature.

Vanessa was undoubtedly my biggest mistake.

One of my friends had invited Hayden and I to a party at his place just outside of campus. Parties weren't my thing, but with both Hayden and my parents out of town and my sisters out with friends, I figured I'd give it a go.

After a few too many drinks, I was in desperate need of a washroom, and the only vacant one happened to be in the basement. I still remember how, on my way back upstairs, Vanessa crashed into me, spilling her rum and coke all over my new black rugby shirt.

Throwing her free hand up to cover her mouth, Vanessa gasped loudly. "Oh my gosh! I am so sorry."

Tucking my chin against my chest, I glanced downward to assess the damage. "Don't worry. It's fine."

"Let me just... I should find some paper towels or something."

"There's a washroom this way," I said, starting toward it. "I'll grab some."

And that was how it all started. We ended up spending the rest of the evening in the basement, sharing a bottle of wine Vanessa snuck from upstairs and a bowl of chips left in the basement.

I don't know exactly what made me do it, but I remember the way I felt. I remember the apples of Vanessa's porcelain cheeks glowing a beautiful shade of rose, which seemed to deepen with every sip of wine she took. I can recall with perfect clarity the way her cherry smile grew when I told her I was double majoring in English lit and political science but was slowly realizing I'd much rather open a restaurant than pursue a career in academia or politics, and her warm laughter when I admitted I'd never had more than a single glass of alcohol in one sitting as I tipped the bottle of wine overtop our plastic cups, refilling them yet another time.

I never expected things to go any further, but Vanessa was so easy to make happy. Her lips were so close to mine and it was just so easy to close the space between us.


Sliding my hands upward to Vanessa's bare shoulders, I pushed her light body off of mine just far enough so her lips were forced off mine. When I saw Hayden standing in front of the couch, mouth gaping, I sat up so quickly I nearly sent Vanessa tumbling onto the floor.

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