☔️ part 4

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But I keep cruising
Can't stop won't stop moving

It's like I got this music in my mind
saying it's gonna be alright


EVEN THOUGH MY math class got out a few minutes early Wednesday morning, the cozy classroom was near-full when I arrived at my botany lecture. Clara had texted me earlier to let me know she was sick, meaning I would have to settle for a mediocre seat.

Or so I thought. As I stood at the front of the room, scouting the rows of desks for a place to sit, I made eye contact with Grant. He smiled when he saw me, waving me over.

"Hey," I said, settling into the seat next to him. Slipping out of my coat, I laid it neatly over the backrest of my seat.

"How are you?"

"Good. And you?"

"Good as well."

I took the lull in our conversation as an opportunity to gather my supplies from my backpack, tucking my bag under the seat when I finished. Beside me, Grant's tumbler made a squeak as he twisted the lid open. When he did, the tantalizing smell of coffee filled the air between us.

"Your coffee smells so good," I said, breathing in the comforting scent.

"It keeps me going," Grant said, placing his tumbler on the floor, beside his backpack.

"Do you not like coffee?" I asked, curious as to why he was drinking the caffeinated beverage when distaste was written all over his face.

When Grant smiled, his blue eyes glistened, causing a warm sensation to build in my stomach. Somehow, knowing his smile was for me, because of me, made me feel giddy inside. But no matter how I felt, I had to remind myself I did not need another Landon. I didn't need someone who wore a contagious smile only when it was convenient, only when he wanted something from me, and a poker face when he was bored.

"I do," Grant protested, breaking me free of my cynical thoughts. "But my aunt buys Starbucks blends...."

Grant didn't get a chance to finish because I twisted my face in a look conveying disgust, sticking out my tongue to exemplify my point. Instead, he started laughing a high-pitched laugh, that was so much higher in pitch than his speaking voice I almost didn't recognize it as a laugh. In fact, it wasn't until I opened my eyes to see him smiling that I realized it was he who was making the sound.

"What?" Grant asked as his laughter died down.

Immediately, I felt my cheeks grow hot. "Nothing," I blurted. Then, because nothing always meant something, I was hasty to add, "I mean, Starbucks coffee is terrible. Unless you like the burnt taste or you add a ton of sweetener."

"Yeah, I got that from the face you made."

"You were supposed to."

My sarcasm earned another squeaky laugh from Grant, and this time I joined in.

"Good morning class," the professor announced as a few late-comers trickled inconspicuously into the classroom. "Today we'll be starting our final exam review. I have some questions prepared that I can ask you, but if anyone has any particular questions or topics they would like me to review, we can start with those."

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