A Note From the Author 💧

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Dear Readers,

Hayden's story was one that had been floating around my mind for a couple of months now. When the idea first came to me, it wasn't one I was confident I would ever express in words. At the beginning of December, however, I had a change in heart. Suddenly, Hayden's problem seemed so obvious to me. The reason she struggled to find happiness became apparent to me and the solution so clear, so simple. In theory. In practice, I think many of us (especially young adults) struggle with the feeling that we're not good enough, maybe not every day, but I think it's safe to say most of us have felt this way at least once about some aspect of our lives. And it's a tough feeling to overcome, as Hayden will realize.

Around the same time (a few days earlier, actually) that Hayden's journey solidified was also when the title Kissing in the Rain popped into my head, and that's when I knew I had to write it.

As a word of caution, I didn't write Hayden to be a perfect character. In fact, if you ask me, she has quite a few weaknesses at the beginning. She isn't happy with where she is, but she also doesn't take action to change that. Or maybe she just doesn't know how. Either way, I hope you enjoy her humour-filled whirlwind of a journey and that some aspect of Hayden's story resonates with you.

Without further ado, please enjoy!

Hayley 💕

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