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wide awake sun is



sliced this morning

stacked up high

africa and i saunter over veld in sandals ochre,

amber straps loosely coiled

ringing africa ankles washed in sunlight and slender

across savannah,

then a dry canter,


far spaced spoors

vast miles unevenly placed,

we sprint

shout out tunes

of tree and brush and pointy rock

crystal oryx oiled

black beetles glossed

on stirring stones.

hungry heat eats my feet,

but i kneel,

lick a small quartz to its tiny bloodstone heart,

take high steps over mountains, they

stretch my straddling limbs while


up my africa skirt.

i will not blush.

africa loves me.

she fuels my hunger while here on the copses i walk free.

one day i will die,


when africa holds me tightly

and not before

i have swallowed africa into me.


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