stranger passing

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we meet on the moon

you a goldbeam broad with angel hair

you say i make you tear

you say i speak in haiku

i say by now you understand me well

our skylines do not touch or match

here i have the sun there you have cats

what i want to do is look out for you

wish we were baby friends so i could

have taken your hand in the cot and for

your  entire life up to this moment

i would not let go

but would moonzap who regards you

any less than the blue eyed princess belle 

i would give them hell

what does that make me to you, i muse,

in the now where we meet in space

what do we think we know, besides that

we ought to have met we ought to have met

longer than forever, further away than farthest ago

so i make do with you from the sky

jealousy lightly perched on both shoulders

looking back,

but only true love in my mouth

now i am not cousin, sister, colleague

whereas we should have been best friends

wiping tears of pain and pleasure from each other

you are my forever far flung friend

not often at all




rather sad

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