Still Alive

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Hey guys! Don't worry, I didn't die. The reason I haven't been very good about updating recently is that I've started high school and I'm really busy with stupid high school stuff. I won't stop making this I don't think, since so many of you love it so much. I'll probably just be much slower.

So anyways, hi! How are you? 
I've been good, thanks for asking.
More tips for surviving Middle School?

1.) After rereading some of my chapters, I've concluded that I was an annoying, judgmental tween who was very cringy. But not all of you think that, I know. I just want you to know that people have depth, more so than you think (*cough, cough* Types of People You'll Meet *cough*). So don't judge people when you first meet them. Human beings don't fit in little tiny spaces that you shove them in. No matter who you're talking to or who you're talking about, they have a background and a life and a family. Really get to know someone before you judge them. I tried to judge this one girl I met, thinking she was trying to steal my best friend's  (best friend who moved) spot in our group. She annoying the living crap out of me. We're inseparable now. Life works out in funny ways.

2.) Enjoy the amount of homework you have. Yeah homework sucks butt, but just you wait until high school. Oh you have to write a paper for English? I've written five at least for that class alone. I've also written papers in other classes. Don't try to complain to the high schoolers, even if they have a few things that are cooler than middle school.

3.) Love yourself, gosh darnit. I know it's hard to love yourself when you don't even like yourself, but it's a process. I was lucky. I figured it out early on. But the majority of the female gender is unsatisfied with themselves. Why?! All of you are gorgeous! Anyway I want all of you to feel loved by both people around you (*cough, cough* I love you *cough*) and by yourself. So the first thing I want you to do is start accepting compliments. Even if you don't think they're true or if you think they're just trying to pity you, accept the freaking compliment. And then find something about yourself. It'll likely be the thing people compliment most, but it needs to be the thing you like the most about yourself. For me, it's my eyes. I love my eyes. But that's only because a couple years ago, when I first got contacts, someone told me I have beautiful eyes. It was the first time I've heard that. So pick that on yourself, whether it be your nose, your ears, your hands, your legs. That's your favorite. Now wear things that show off your favorite aspect. For me, I just wear makeup that highlights my eyes. Now I don't mean to dress like a slut, but more like to wear something that makes you feel like you look great. Next, find one thing you don't like as much. Compliment yourself on it. Sure it might sound fake at first, but do it often. Soon enough, you'll grin at the mirror and go 'Damn, I'm fine'. It could take weeks, months, heck, years. But it will be worth it, trust me. You're worth it. I love you girly.

4.) Straight, Gay, Bisexual, Trans, Asexual, Pansexual, etc., etc. It's all fine. Don't let people hate on you for who you love. You can't choose who you love, that's a fact of life. At this age, you'll want to find yourself, experiment. That's fine, but be chill about it. And if after all that experimenting, you find that you are actually straight and cis, that's fine too. Just don't hate on other people either. Life's a weird and wonderful place, as long as you don't let the hate get to you. I'll protect you, I'll back you up. I care about every single one of you.

5.) If you start to feel overwhelmingly sad and depressed, talk to someone who cares about you. If you do feel depressed, your closest friends will be able to tell and start to worry. Trust me, I know. Please get help if you start to feel like this. It's not weak nor shameful. To get help takes so much courage. And also if you notice a friend who has started to act depressed or self-destructive, talk to them. If they won't talk, you may have to talk to the school counselor or your friend's parents. An angry friend is better than a dead friend. Please watch out for yourself and your friends. Everyone is loved, even if it's just by a random girl on the internet who makes Wattpad books.

6.) Put yourself out there. If there's something that you want, go for it. If you try out for something and don't get in, you're just in the same place you'd be if you hadn't tried out. And if you don't make it the first time, try the next time. Don't let failure discourage you. It's a part of life and it's something that happens to literally everybody. Chin up girly. I believe you can do it, whatever it is.

7.) Literally no one will care what you wear in the future. I wore sweats and a t-shirt for a week straight, no makeup, glasses, didn't even brush my hair. No one remembers. Plus if you don't do anything to attempt to look good every day, then when you look really good everyone will notice. Don't sacrifice sleep for "beauty". You'll be happier.

8.) You're not always going to look like you do now. It's called puberty and it makes you feel weird in the middle of it. Like you're not beautiful. But do not worry my little caterpillar, the butterfly comes soon. I looked like a  chicken nugget before now. Have faith my friend. Even if you don't like how you look in the future, you're beautiful to someone (even if it's just me).

9.) Do things that make you happy. Read. Write. Draw. Even if you suck at it, you'll get better. It'll pay off in the future and it'll make you even happier.

So there's more of my wisdom. It's not guaranteed or anything, but it's what I've learned in my years of life. I care about all of you and hope you make it through anything bad in your life.

As always, I'm accepting questions and I'll do my best to answer them.

Stay classy my friends!

Periods, Boys, and School Dances: a Girl's Guide to Middle SchoolWhere stories live. Discover now