Older Students AKA Upperclassmen

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If you are in (or going into) sixth grade then the upperclassmen are the seventh and eighth graders. If you are in (or going into) seventh grade, the upperclassmen are eighth graders. If you are eighth graders you are the upperclassmen. NEVER insult an upperclassmen. Trust me, it won't end well. Actually, never insult anyone bigger or stronger than you. One kid in my school literally got shoved in his locker. The teacher didn't believe him and he ended up with a detention. Hey, middle school is rough! Upperclassmen are scary and if you make friends with them then you either have protection from other upperclassmen or you are their jester. Or they think you are adorable and just want to be your friend. I suggest being the awesome upperclassmen who high-fives all the younger students and thinks they're all adorable. That's what I plan on doing, now that I'm going into eighth grade. But always be nice to everyone, including upperclassmen, and you'll be fine.

Sorry this one was so short, I'll make a longer one next time! In the meantime, stay classy my friends! Questions welcome!

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