Camping Perks [Prompto Lemon]

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Requested by manda_panda789
Warning, Lemon Ahead and a Spoiler About the Precious Child. Angsty themes ahead.
Setting: Galdin Quay

Translucent sparkling waters entered your sight, a sigh of content leaving the recently awoken prince from his daily naptime in the car. The strategist in the driver seat leaned his arm against the middle cupboard, gazing backwards as he positioned the car feet from the nearest parking spot. The splashing of the near tide waters across the coarse shore left you absolutely breathless from examining the magnificent and gorgeous scenery.

"Finally, a decent place to rest for once." Noctis groaned, swinging the Regalia door wide open and hopping out of the vehicle. His shoulders cracked stiffly as he rolled them back, his neck twisting in evident exhaustion of the long car ride.

"Maybe grab a bite or two while we're at it." Gladiolus suggested, exiting the luxurious car without any hesitation.

"Unfortunately not today I'm afraid. We are beginning to run scarce on Gil so camping will have to suit your needs of proper resting." Ignis responded back to their comments, locking the Regalia doors with a single button press of the car keys. You, Prompto, and Noctis groaned in evident disappointment, already beginning to trot off towards the nearest safe haven in the distance, thankfully within close range to soothe your throbbing feet.

"If I walk any further, I think my ankles will give in." You complained, leaning your arm partially atop the gunslinger's shoulder to support yourself from toppling over like a ruinous building collapsing into a heap of debris and bricks.

"I could complain, but the camping site isn't too far away to begin with." Noctis remarked, glancing over his shoulder with a playful glint in his cerulean hues.

"C'mon f-n, we've gotten through worst situations than this." Prompto said encouragingly, hoisting you closer towards his slender, but masculine form with a single arm wrapped around your waist.

You had to admit that Prompto was probably the most favorite person out of all the four. There was Ignis who could restrain himself from tearing the remaining four of you to shreds with his daggers from the endless amount of complaints flying frequently from your mouths. Gladiolus, for someone with the most muscle and brawn of the group, could sweep off any hostile opponents with a quick swing of his greatsword and defended all with his shield. Additionally, he kept the complaining prince at bay. Then there was the Prince of Lucis, crown heir to the throne Noctis who earned shut eye every chance he could get from entering the familiar black siliconed vehicle.

But, Prompto almost seemed like an exception from your past experiences. Maybe it was that cheerful bright smile that he constantly wore to bring your mourning spirits up or his excellent skills in gunnery and machines found across the adventure, most originating from the Niflheim empire. Something just clicked whenever he spoke with you or even made any physical contact with you. Even connecting eyes during battles with the MT's, something bloomed and sparked between those lingering glances. You fell for that bubbly blonde, no matter how hard you resisted his unique charisma.

"Can't believe I'm saying this, but it's nice not to kill anything." Prompto chimed happily, settling you down carefully onto your knees atop the rock emitting a whispy smoke trail from its center, glowing an attractive shade of blue.

"Better get set up for camp. Noct, lend a hand." Gladiolus hollered from the other side of the beachside causing the ravenette to curse underneath his breath.

"I just ran over here and now you want me to come back!" Noctis complained, eyes rolling a little in defiance.

"Get your lazy ass over here or your punishment will be running miles more back and forth across this beach at the brink of sunrise!" The brute warned. Noctis immediately shuffled from his sitting spot, sending you both a glance of annoyance. Prompto only laughed at how unfair his princely friend was treated, waving him off mockingly. As soon as Noctis sprinted off to fetch the essential camping supplies, the blonde crouched down to your lowered height on the ground, pressing the power button on his sentimental camera.

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