Docile Prince [Noctis Lemon]

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Requested by Mayote_Shoujo

Having a submissive prince was fun entertainment to watch, unraveling him while he exerts the cutest groans and whines. Begging to be alleviated of his issue beneath his crop trousers. Noctis released an adorable whine, your teeth nibbling at the taut flesh of his collarbone, his motif t-shirt discarded on the floor adjacent to the squeaking bed. His porcelain pale wrists were restrained by a pair of metal handcuffs, the resistance beginning to dig into his skin whenever he shuddered underneath your ministrations.

"You're too precious, my prince." You teased, running your fingers lower in a teasing matter, slowly inching downward to their goal.

"P-Please, faster please." Noctis pleaded, eyes fluttering closed in embarrassment, his flawless cheeks matching the shade of strawberries.

You clicked your tongue against the roof of your mouth, retracting your hands back up to his shoulders. Your mouth sucked and kissed the nape of his neck, being situated behind the prince bestowing you a numerous amount of possibilities just to provoke him into whimpering your name. Noctis shuddered, the metal handcuffs coinciding together like bells. His tongue was lolling out of the corner of his glistening lips, sweat dribbling down his forehead and his touched body. Noctis was enjoying the torturous treatment more than he should have.

Perhaps the sudden idea of allowing you to grab the reins for once may have been the best decision he had ever chosen.

His thighs twitched against the cushioned mattress, grinding his hips downward to just alleviate the erection you were the cause of. An elongated groan erupted from his throat, particularly sensitive once your teeth dug into the juncture between his shoulder and neck. Noctis' shoulders heaved up and down in exhaustion, a lovely damp patch forming on his boxers from the tip of aching cock. He yearned for release badly. But, you seemed to pose a major tease on that note.

Noctis sighed a breath of relief, his trousers and boxers stripped down from their original placement on his hips freeing his erection. His voice cracked when moaning, pitching between high and low once your slender digits wrapped around his thick girth. You pumped it from the hilt to its dripping tip, smearing the beads of precum developed at the end with the pad of your thumb. Breathless groans and pants originated from his lungs, bucking his hips in sync with your pistoning hand. It wouldn't be long before he'd- damnit, why'd she stop. Noctis groaned in annoyance, his cock throbbing for attention in front of his eyes, your fingers no longer wrapped around it.

"Noctis, remember what I told you beforehand?" You inquired, inserting the pad of your thumb into your mouth, sucking his unique taste off of it.

His husky voice cracked at the beginning of his sentence. "T-Too be more vocal."

"Bingo. So don't hold back next time, alright? I'll swallow your moans if you command for me to." You assured, a soft smile etched on your lips.

Noctis could never process the fact of earning such a beautiful and attractive woman with the most extraordinary personality as his girlfriend. He just couldn't. A shy and aloof guy like him hanging around such a bashful soul. And to think, she was so experienced in exploiting all his weaknesses and erogenous zones. Some areas even Noctis was not aware that he was extra sensitive to.

"Can you?" He shifted a little on his thighs, "I don't want anyone else to hear me. T-They belong only for your ears." Noctis' ears flushed red, a shy expression crossing his face.

"O-Of course, Your Majesty." You responded hesitantly back, using his high class ranking title. Sometimes, this dear boy was so casual and blunt that it surprised even you under certain circumstances.

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