Chapter 10- Family Photo

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After Clarence and Marguerite left with Misty, everyone headed back inside for breakfast and to open presents. Kelly made chocolate chip pancakes, which made Ronnie laugh. "I used to make those for you when you were little," he chuckled. "You guys would always use peanut butter instead of normal butter." He nudged Zach with his elbow, surprising him. "Her mother always said that they were supposed to be eating breakfast, not dessert."

About that time, Crystal came downstairs from using the restroom, and spotted Kelly pulling the peanut butter jar from the cabinet. "Oh no," she huffed. "Honestly, Kelly, I thought you gave that up. This kind of food is for dessert; not for breakfast!"

Zach and Ronnie laughed, then they all sat down to the table. While Ronnie and Crystal treated the pancakes like normal, Kelly slathered hers with the peanut butter, then poured the syrup. Curious, he followed her lead. He decided that he'd have to use peanut butter after that.

The all adjourned to the living room, where Piper bounded amongst the wrapping paper that everyone tossed on the floor. Kelly had gotten Zach a new riding jacket, and he'd gotten her a necklace with a heart pendant made out of tiny horseshoes. "Zach, I love it!" She'd crowed, immediately placing it around her neck. "It's beautiful."

For Ronnie, Kelly had given her father a mug with the words, "Father of an Equestrian." He chuckled as he read the words. "Yeah, I am," he said softly, pulling her into a side hug, smiling warmly.

For her mom, Kelly had gotten a ceramic plate set. It was a light blue, and was stamped with a green oak leaf in the middle of each piece. "Oh, Kelly, I love it," her mother gushed.

In return, they gave Kelly a small package. When she unwrapped a small frame, She pulled a hand up to cover her mouth, tears in her eyes. Zach peeked over her shoulder to see Kelly, Colton, and Samantha smiling back from the photo. "I'd forgotten about this picture," Kelly gasped.

Crystal looked sheepish. "Your father and I were going back through photos a while back, and found that one. We wanted you to have it."

"And," Ronnie added, pulling a camera bag from behind him, "if it's alright with you, we'd like to give you another one."

Kelly turned back to smile with Zach before nodding. "I think that would be perfect." She stood up as her father positioned the tripod and camera. She grabbed Zach and her mother, and they stood by the stairway, where garland wrapped around the banister.

So they took the photo. Ronnie and Zach were in the back, with Crystal and Kelly in front and to the right of them. Cradled in Kelly's arms was the photo that her parents had given her. As the camera flashed and took the photo, Zach could see her smile wider. "Now I have a picture of everyone," she whispered.

It wasn't long after that Ronnie and Crystal had to leave. As they packed everything, Crystal hugged Zach. "You're a special young man," she said to him. "Take care of my daughter."

He nodded. "I will."

Ronnie shuffled up as they loaded the car, rubbing the back of his neck. "I, uh, would like to apologize for everything I said. I didn't mean to, that is, what I was-"

Zach cut him off by placing a hand on the older man's shoulders. "It's alright," he said with a smile. A look passed between them, and Ronnie ruffled the boy's hair, laughing. Finally, with the last goodbyes, they slipped back into their car, and headed down the driveway.

Kelly smiled, and draped an arm over Zach's shoulder as they headed back toward the house. "Well, kiddo," she sighed happily, "we survived the invasion. What do you think?"

Zach smiled back, shrugging. "I don't know," he replied. "I guess it wasn't as bad as I thought ti would be." When Kelly shot him a look, he laughed. "Alright, so it didn't all go entirely smooth." He paused, gazing at the house in front of them. "But I'm okay with it now." He met her eyes again before giving her a warm hug, wishing time could pause for this moment. "Merry Christmas, Mom."

Kelly smiled, letting out a sigh as she returned the squeeze, closing her eyes happily. She could hear Sam laughing in her mind, and saw Colton's loving gaze. "Merry Christmas, Honey." She pulled away to gaze into her son's warm eyes, brushing his bangs away with a smile. "Merry Christmas."

They walked into the house together, and for the first Christmas in a while, both of them felt whole again. 


The End

I can't believe it! Ten Chapters in ten days, guys! Like whaaaaaa?!

I hope all of you have loved this short adventure as much as I have. I love these characters so much, and enjoyed bringing them back around for you. In fact, methinks I may *eventually* bring up a sequel? ^-^ Who knows?

Anyway, I hope you all have a very Merry Christmas, and a Happy New Year! "God Bless Us, Everyone!" 

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