Chapter 4- Training Again

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Instead of going back inside and having to face the old Scrooge, Zach waited until Misty had happily polished off her food before pulling her out to work with her. As he was brushing her down, she nipped at him playfully. "No," he scolded, pointing the brush at her curious muzzle. "None of that, you little Squirt." When she simply blinked at him, he smiled and rubbed her forehead.

As he lead her to the arena, He noticed the tall man who had arrived with Rylie walking down the aisleway. His short, brown hair and tanned skin made his bright blue eyes stand out amazingly as he gazed at Zach. They crinkled into a smile, and Zach was wondering why until he felt Misty's little teeth tugging on his sleeve. "Hey!" he batted at her little snout, his fingertips sending her stumbling back a little from bewilderment. "What did I say about the biting?"

The man chuckled, a warm and friendly sound that made Zach smile at him. "She's just being ornery," he said as he approached the pair, running a calloused hand over the mare's head before extending his hand. "My name's Dune, by the way. You must be Zach."

Zach beamed as he shook hands with Dune. "That's me." Misty reached out with her muzzle, but a quick reprimand had her pulling away. "I have to go lunge her. Did you want to come watch?" Dune nodded, and Zach led the way into the arena.

As the newcomer took a seat on the wooden bleachers, Zach walked Misty out into the middle of the dirt circle, letting out the lunge line gradually until the little mare was almost to the end of her line. Her chestnut head turned and looked at him quizzically.

"Alright, little girl," Zach said as he picked up the remaining line and faced her. "Let's go nice and easy." With that, he gently swung the rope in his free hand, ushering her to the left.

As soon as they started, Zach knew that this was going to be a cake walk. Misty responded well to every command he gave her, and was quick to catch on to his commands. It was evident that she had been trained before. When he glanced towards the bleachers, Dune would be watching with a small smile, and Zach almost swore he saw a dimple on his cheek when Misty would snort in indignation.

Just as they were finishing up, Ronnie walked in. "Hey!"

The sudden shout sent Misty reeling toward the center of the circle. Zach jumped out of the way, but her chest still caught his hip, and he stumbled into the dirt. Knowing better than to keep ahold of the startled mare, he let go of the lead, and Misty flew away to the other end of the arena.

Dune jogged over, his long legs carrying him to Zach quickly. "You alright?" He asked as he offered a hand. Zach gratefully took it.

"Geeze, kid, what did you think you were doing?" Ronnie had strode through the gate, and was stalking toward them with a condescending glare. "You shouldn't be messing with the horses! If you mess anything up, you'll make Kelly lose a customer!"

Zach stared at him incredulously. "Everything was fine until you spooked her-"

"You shouldn't be messing with the horses!" Ronnie spat. "These animals are worth more than your life, kid." He switched his glare to Dune. "Neither one of you should be in here with that horse." Then he spun on his heel, and was gone, slamming the gate.

Zach sighed, running his hand through his hair. Even though he'd dealt with accusations like that when he'd first showed up, it still hurt when people treated him like a delinquent. He glanced at Dune. The tall man was silently watching the direction Ronnie had left, his jaw tight as he clenched his teeth. When he met Zach's eyes, he softened, giving him a wry smile.

Zach turned and looked at Misty, who was cautiously making her way back to them. "Alright, girl," he sighed again, reaching out to her and rubbing his fingers. "Let's try this again." 


Sorry I'm a little behind! I'm doubling at work, so I don't have a whole lot of time to do anything, much less write. I'll get caught up! What do you guys think so far?

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