Chapter 8- Moonlight Ride

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Frustrated, Zach walked through the moonlight to the barn. As he flicked on the lights, a few curious heads poked out, their eyes blinking rapidly at the sudden brightness. "Sorry I woke you guys up," he said as he made his way to Misty's stall. The little pony gazed at him, her eyes bleary as she shuffled up out of the sawdust. "Did I interrupt your beauty sleep?" He chuckled as he held out his hand to her. Misty sniffed his hand, then her lips grazed over his fingers, but her teeth never made contact. Smiling, he rubbed her forehead. "Good girl."

Even though Zach was smiling, inside he was restless. So he made his way to the far end, where Popcorn stood patiently. His one blue eye stood out in contrast against his copper face. Zach quickly snapped the lead on him and pulled the oversize pony out of his stall, currying him swiftly. Then he was in the tack room, grabbing the saddle and bridle he always used. It was no time at all before he was swinging up on the pony's back, and the pair trotted off into the moonlit woods.

The trees closed in around them, eerily highlighted by the bright half-moon that lighted the trail. Zach found it curious that night was always described as black. From what he saw around him, everything was shades of blue; the grass and shrubs were a deep navy, the trees a royal blue, and the leaves were sapphires. Even the little bit of sky he could see was swirls of blue, peppered with the distant stars.

He let Popcorn chose the trails, as he'd explored most of them with Kelly, and was so distracted by the constellations above that it took a branch hitting him in the face to realize that he had no idea where they were. "Popcorn, I hope you know where you're going," he muttered. While he felt safe in these woods, and knew that it was fairly easy to get back to the house, a small voice in his head reminded him that scary stories had their beginnings in dark forests.

Suddenly, Popcorn stopped, and the voice in his head rose in volume. A small gate was blocking their path, beyond which a few headstones dotted the small glade. As if to further unnerve him, a slight fog had settled above the grass.

"What the-" Zach slipped off of the pony's back, staring at the cemetery. While many of the headstones were older, there was a pair a little ways away that seemed newer. Curious, and against his better judgement, he tied Popcorn's reins to the fence before slipping through the gate.

He quickly navigate around many of the graves, making an extra wide berth around graves where the ground had sunk in. It seemed to take him forever to reach the two tombstones, and more than once he glanced back to check on Popcorn.

When he finally reached the two stones, he gasped. They were black granite, to the point where the words were almost indiscernible with the fog. However, he made out the familiar names quickly.

"I thought I'd find you here."

"HOLY-!" Zach felt his spirit leave his body for an instant as he whirled toward the speaker. His hair was standing on end, and every nerve was on fire.

Kelly held up her hands, an apologetic look on her face. "Sorry, Zach, I didn't mean to scare you."

His heart rate slowed, and he released a breath that he didn't realize he'd been holding. "Good gravy, Kelly, you scared me half to death!" She shot him a weak smile as he gasped for air. "And what do you mean, you thought I'd be out here?"

She approached him, a small smile still on her lips. "When my parents said you'd left, I checked the barn. Since Popcorn wasn't there, I almost assumed you'd end up here sometime during the night." She nodded toward the pony, who was chomping on the gate in a vain escape attempt. "Sam used to give him blackberries she'd picked from here."
Zach motioned to the two graves. "Why are they buried here?"

Kelly sighed, running a finger through her hair. "Colton had always wanted to be buried here, ever since we found it. He said it was quiet, and peaceful." She met Zach's eyes. "When I lost them, I couldn't bear the thought of breaking his heart by having him anywhere else. And I wanted Sam beside him- beside us, whenever I join them."

She sighed again, and she suddenly looked years older in the moonlight. "Mom and Dad seem to have this illusion that I am replacing her by bringing you in. They think I don't miss her."

Zach wrapped her into a hug. "I know you really do, Kelly," he murmured gently.

She started sobbing into his shoulder, and he held her tighter. "I miss her so much," she blubbered through her tears. "And I miss my husband. I miss them both!" She could only cry for a moment, and Zach rubbed small circles in her back to calm her. "It's just so hard," she continued. "It's so hard to have them think that, and accuse me of it. I miss them more than my parents will ever know."She finally pulled away, gazing into Zach's eyes. "I could never replace her. I simply needed help on the ranch. But I saw you needed a second chance,and took to the horses almost immediately."

He nodded, a smile on his face. "I know," he said simply.

Kelly gave him a watery smile. "I'm so sorry you've had to deal with this," she said.

"Hey, it's okay," he replied, wrapping her in a hug. "We can't choose our family. Besides," And here he winked just for show, "I'm sure they just need time."

Kelly laughed. "I guess so," she giggled before gazing around them. "Well, come on, and we'll head back to get ready for tomorrow." She glanced at the gate, and her mouth almost split her face in two as she grinned. "Plus, Popcorn is trying to eat his way out."

Zach turned, and sure enough, Popcorn was gnawing on the metal. As he berated the pony, he heard Kelly laughing. He found himself smiling at the sound. 


Two more chapters to go, guys! AKA TWO MORE DAY 'TIL CHRISTMAS! Whoo!

This chapter is dedicated to sonabys for her wonderful support! 

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