The End(Finale)

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Chapter 26: The End(Finale)

(Warning: XXX Picture/s)

A single shot left the gun that Scotty was holding...and him shooting in the dark caused him to shoot Moira in the back of her left thigh. With her hand on the door knob she opened the door and yelled for Carlee to run. A panicked and crying Carlee ran out off the porch. She couldnt believe this. She pondered if she had fell asleep while laying in bed with Juan and this was all a dream. Scotty was her mothers boyfriend. Someone she actually liked. Its no way this was happening. Come to find out that Scotty was actually with her mother to be in perfect position to snatch his son is sick. Carlee ran through the grass as Juan screams escaped his mouth. Scotty not that far behind told Carlee to stop or he was going to shoot. She ran into the street and turned around to him.

"Okay-Okay. Please dont shoot. Why are you doing this?" She cried out.

"Carlee, give me my fucking son and I will let you go home to your mom and little sister. I did love her." He said with sweat dripping down his face and his eyes wide as a river. Out of nowhere a BMW truck swerved around the corner and Oscar seen a sight he wished wasnt before him, but his anger raced against his better judgement and he pushed his feet on the pedal a slight bit more and ran Scotty over. Scotty body went over the entire car before falling back on the ground. He stopped the car and allowed Geneva to get out. O backed the car up and ran Scotty over once more, right atop of his skull. He stopped the car and hopped out to hear Carlee saying, "I think he shot your mom." Carlee ran over to me and we hugged with Juan as GeGe ran for the front door as we heard Moira snapping, "That son of a bitch shot me in the leg." I rubbed Carlee head telling her over and over again that it will be alright, because in the end thats what I had hoped.

3 Months Later.

"Juan Rico Gomez, if I call you one more time to get your ass down these stairs I am going to come up there and pour this entire pot of Boiling Hot Oatmeal on you." Moira shouted from the stairs as GeGe, Jay, Talia, and I enjoyed an entire laid out breakfast she had prepared for us. I guess she was in the mood. I know this is kind of mean, but ever since she was shot. She have been a doll. Its now September and the Doctor said its okay for her to drive so she wants to take Juan to school this morning and she made us all this. Grits, Pancakes, Eggs, toast, ham, and bacon.

Also, Talia is doing great. We actually find out what she is having today..hopefully. I say hopefully because well she is now six months and the baby wont open his or her legs to see. So last month was a bust, but today we have hope. Scotty Walden fuck ass aint even die. I thought I killed him. However, he is in jail and about to be prison.

Jayceon reached over and grabbed the vase of Orange Juice and poured it into his glass. For the last three months Jay have still be a nice add on to out sex life. It has even been times of just Him and I...or Him and GeGe. Sex doesnt even pay the respect or the gratitude I have for him. I have promoted him to a Manager at the gym and everything. Juan came running into the kitchen dressed ready for school and he said, "I will give hugs but see ya' later. My Grandmother is crazy." He went over to Talka stomach and rubbed it.

"See ya' later, little brother." He said before running ofd. He swears its a boy. However, GeGe and I want it to be a girl. Talia chuckled as the door closed.

"Well, there we have it. Its a boy." She said. She rose from the chair and said, "I am going to lay down before we go to the Doctor. These Braxton Hicks are kicking my ass."

"This early?" GeGe asked.

"Yea. I was actually happening since last night but they subsid--" She stopped talking as she grabbed hold of her stomach and water crashed on the floor between her legs. Jay, GeGe, and I all gasped and GeGe said, "Oh shit, your water broke. O, grab the keys ill get her to the car."

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