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Chapter 22: Closer

1 Week Later.


"Nigga, those glasses are from fucking India be careful." Loso slung the box around and said, "Im not even going to ask how you know that."

"Um, I stole all the magazines of all the things he wanted for the house and ordered it now shut up and put them in the kitchen." I told him as I went to directing the guys who was bringing in the couches, patio chairs, and beds upstairs. For the last three days I have been bringing in all this stuff under Deejay nose. The Manor was finished a week in advance so I rushed everything here. We need to get out of his parents house. Only Loso, O, and I know about this. Another surprise like last week engagement. That was the happiest I ever seen this man. Oscar ran from the patio and said, "Yo, this place is tight fucking work. Like damn man. I can have a room in this bitch. Can I?"

"Sure." I told him as I was being dead ass serious. This home is for my close family and family outside of Deejay and Loso. Its alot of bedrooms for everyone. Loso returned from the kitchen and butted in, "Yall can pick yall room after I choose mine. Did you see the gate. It legit have a code. Im living behind a gate with a code." He did a fake fallout and we all laughed. Suddenly, a guy came up to me and said, "I got the Water working for the fountain out front. Come see." I had to call a technician to come check on it. It wasnt working at all. We all walked out front and seen the water spraying up and out of the nozzles.

"Thanks." I told him as I slapped his hand and handed him the 345 Dollars.

"So I know we repainting the living room tomorrow. And the dining area chairs wont be here til is the house warming postponed?" Oscar asked.

"Nah, its still friday. We can throw a few chairs in before the party. Ill send the invites secretly to Keesha and have her invite everyone else. Deejay is with Holden hiring lawyers and getting his new spacd together so we are good for now. He is occupied."

Loso added, "And Mama Lafare is catering so you know Im happy." All three of us smirked and I clapped them up and said, "Well, alright I wasted yall whole day up here. My bad."

"Its cool. Im headed home to some pussy." We both clapped up Oscar and he walked off. Loso and I went on the back porch and stared off into the grassy area after the pool and shit.

"Imma school your young ass in that Basketball." I boasted.

"If you say so, Old man." He said to me laughing as he exhaled and said, "Thank You." I looked over at him and he continued, "For not putting it in Deejay head that I needed to be kicked to the curve. I know and you know you could have made that happen. Thanks for giving me a chance to prove to you."

"No problem. I had to give you a chance, just like you gave me one. At that time though no lie I hated your little ass." I confessed. He lifted his shirt and rubbed the scar where I shot him and said, "Yea, I kind of got the scar to prove it-" We chuckled and he said, "Yeah, Gshit though. You know I seen my real Dad the other night in Red Lobster and he didnt even care to speak to me. In that moment I really said fuck him."

I wrapped my arm around his neck and said, "Hey you lost one and gained one and possibly two-- you know Im still on the fence with you." He nudged my ribs and we laughed, "But Aye Rico can I tell and ask you something."

"Yea, wassup?" I said as we moved over and sat on the patio chairs.

"So I dont know if Deejay told you or not, but Mickey is trans. Like he was born a female." He confessed to me and was about to laugh, but I seen in his face he was serious and wasnt playing like I thought. Everyone knows by now this motherfucker loves to joke.

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