Chapter 9

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Sutton's finger lays on a picture of a slightly younger version of herself, and a taller male to her side. As Harry examines the frame, he notices something intriguing as he looks closer; her expression. Her eyes gleamed with happiness, genuine happiness, her cheeks were rosy and she wore the biggest smile he had ever seen on her as she stood next to a man with similar features to hers. Harry didn't realize that he had never seen Sutton this happy, and he instantly felt stupid. As he thought back to all the memories he had of Sutton, not a single one contained Sutton looking this joyful.

"Jack and I moved to London almost three years ago, right after I graduated college." She said, and closed the book slowly. "His whole life he wanted to live in London, he was born here and I just followed him because I didn't really care where I lived, and I wanted to live near him." She paused, looking up again. "He was three years older than me, but he had always been my best friend. We were absolutely inseparable as kids, even as adults. And, as I'm sure you'll enjoy hearing, we were quite the party goers. Almost like you." She smiled, and Harry cracked a smile as well. 

"I don't know if I believe that." He joked, and Sutton shook her head smiling. 

"Really, we got shit-faced almost every night after we moved here. We weren't your typical siblings either, I mean we made up our own drinking games and I would set him up with girls and vise versa. We even lived together. We just had so much fun with each other. And he had the coolest marketing job, I can never remember what his actual position was, but it paid pretty well. I worked at this shitty coffee shop at the time, and he refused to let me pay any rent while I lived with him because I was so broke. He insisted that I save my money, because he could easily afford our tiny little flat and still have a nice living." She continued, and looked down smiling. "He was so protective of me too, I used to act like it annoyed me but I secretly loved it. I loved that he cared so much." She tells him, not exactly sure why she feels the need to tell him these small details, but she does. It makes her feel better.

"He would always drive me around, to clubs and bars and parties. He was usually good about it, he knew his limits, and at the time I didn't really think it was too much of a problem for him to drive with a little bit of alcohol in his system." She says, and Harry see's a heart breaking emotion linger on her face. "So one night he drove us to this bar and we met up with a bunch of friends, just like every other night. But we got ahead of ourselves, and we were both so drunk by the time we had to leave." She paused, looking down again. "I didn't even second guess his actions, I remember thinking how convenient it was that he drove. My mind was completely altered and I just wasn't thinking straight." She paused again and took a breath. 

"Anyway... he ran a red light, and a truck slammed into us on the drivers side. I fractured a rib and broke my left arm, and I got a concussion as well. I was being taken to the hospital before I even realized what was going on. I was told that Jack died on impact." She looked to her lap, disappointment settling onto her features. Harry met her silent stare, completely taken back by her confession. Sutton finally cleared her throat. "It all happened so fast, sometimes I don't even think it's real." She admits. "I feel like he is going to pop out one of these days and everything will go back to normal."

Harry meets her gaze, and although he can't seem to find a way to spit an apology out, she reads his expression and nods. 

"Now all people see him as is some criminal who dangered innocent lives by driving drunk, but he was really the most amazing person I've ever known." She continues. "And now I'm seen as this 'prude' girl who never goes anywhere anymore, and is scared shitless of even the idea of alcohol and what it can make me do." She says, almost bitterly. 

"Well I think you have every right to be." Harry comforts, finding his voice. Sutton looks up at him, as if she was surprised that he spoke. "I'm sorry you had to go through that." He says sincerely. There was a small pause, before Sutton spoke abruptly. 

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