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The girl ranted about Atsushi to Atsushi while I clutched my head in pain. The old woman ran out with an ice pack for me.

"Thanks." I said. She then broke up the two.

"This is Lucy. Lucy this is [Y/n]." The old woman introduced us.

"Sorry for landing on you." I saw with my hand extended. She blushed cutely then, grabbed my hand shaking it.

"It's alright [Y/n]." She said not looking at me. I generally didn't like people but, I hoped to see her again. There was something about her that was captivating.

The moment was ruined by Atsushi clearing his throat loudly. I sighed and approached the old woman. Before I could open my mouth, she already knew what I was going to say.

"You're quitting." She patted my shoulder. "Honey, I want you to pursue your dreams. Don't let me hold you back. I'll give you your last paycheck."

"She'll just be upstairs." Atsushi laughed.

"Can it, they're having a moment." Lucy said. Atsushi cowered in the corner.

The old woman pulled me into a tight hug and I let out a strangled 'love you too'. She broke the hug and I said my goodbyes to Lucy. Atsushi forced me to go back upstairs for the time being. You still had to sort out my job situation.

I really didn't want to do whatever they did. My talents go as far as making coffee and cleaning tables. But, you die and come back to life once then you're suddenly cut out for any job you like!

Dazai stood at the top of the stairs with a frown on his face as he saw Atsushi and I. He was almost glaring at Atsushi.

"Dazai. I just quit my job." I stated sadly. His expression became solemn as he held out his arms for me to walk into. I collapsed against his chest, he wrapped his arms around me hiding me in his trench coat. Atsushi stood there awkwardly.

"Well, I'll leave you two alone now." He laughed half heartedly.

"Join us." I said making Dazai pout. Atsushi shook his head with a smile and walked into the office.

"What was that?" Dazai asked me. I pulled away, rubbing the back my neck nervously.

"He's my friend." I confidently said.

"[Y/n], do you not like me? I see the way you look at him." Dazai questioned me. His intense gaze was unsettling. I immediately felt my confidence melt away.

"I-I don't know." I confessed.

Dazai sighed and ran his fingers through his long hair. I kept my eyes to the floor.

"Then, this can't work."

I nodded accepting his proposition. He walked away, not returning to the office for the rest of the day. I had no choice but to suck it up and attempt to socialize with the other agency members.

I opened the door to see the black haired girl in front of me. Her blue eyes bore into my [e/c] ones.

"You're dead. I can tell." She practically whispered. I sat down at a desk away from the crowd and she stood by my side.

"What do you mean?"

"Your eyes. There's no life in them."

She looked into my eyes as if she could see my past. She seemed to read me like an open book and I did not like that.

"What's your name?" I asked cautiously.

"Kyouka." She answered quickly.

"[Y/n]." I told her my name. She only gave me a nod in response. The two of us sat in silence watching the other members goof off while Kunikida would chastise them.

"You should tell him." She said with her eyes locked on Atsushi.

"No. Relationships make things complicated. Also, Dazai." I told the young girl.

"You can't just date him if you'd like?" She asked. The small girl obviously had no experience with relationships.

"It's much easier to bottle your emotions." I said before sipping some soda.

"No. That's not good." She said almost sympathetically. I need she had a tortured past just by observing her movement. Kyouka knew what the darkness looked like.

For the first time in my life, I wanted to hold a person in my arms protecting them. I wanted to tell her that everything would be okay when I knew it wasn't.

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