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After that occurrence, Atsushi seemed to disappear. I hadn't seen him in quite a while. Even aching minute I hoped for that grey haired boy to walk through the doors of the cafe but, he didn't.

The night grew darker signaling it was time to close the cafe. I threw off my apron and grabbed the keys, locking up.

I trudged home not feeling up for anything. That was until I bumped into a familiar brunette.

"The lovely [Y/n]." Dazai said with a voice like silk. I gave him a hard stare, not responding. He however, decided to carry out the conversation. "How about I treat you to dinner?" He suggested. I knew that he didn't want just dinner. There was more. There was always more. But, who could turn down free food with wages like my own?

"Okay." I silently agreed.

Without my consent, he gripped my hand in his larger one. My fingers were loose, refusing to intertwine with his. We began to walk while Dazai ran his mouth about how he believed in soulmates and suicide pacts. Being with him gave me an anxious feeling. Dazai was different compared to Atsushi in the most negative of ways.

Dazai spoke nonstop. He never said the right things at the right time. The flirty male came on way too strong as well, insisting on touching me in some way.

My stomach felt uneasy as we approached a restaurant that I had never been too. I looked up at him, noticing his hair bounce with each step. We went inside and I pulled my hand from his iron grip. When he went to speak with the waiter about a reservation, I quickly wiped my hand on my pants, mentally wiping away Dazai's touch.

"Table for two for Dazai." The waiter said with a smile. We were lead to our table which was not so conveniently in the far corner of the restaurant, away from the other customers.

My stomach was churning as Dazai pulled out a chair for me to sit in. He beside me commenting on the menu and his favorite meal while I slowly turned the small candle that was placed in the center of the table.

The restaurant was quite nice with its decor and food. I didn't seem dressed up enough for this occasion though.

"You look ravishing tonight [Y/n]." Dazai said. "I just want to end it all tonight if you were with me." He continued. The waiter came back with a bottle of wine. I didn't know the name but, I knew it was expensive. I never was a drinker.

The waiter poured our glasses then, returned to the kitchen. I lightly wafted in the scent of the wine before taking a small sip. A hand rested on my thigh almost making me choke on my wine.

Oh, I'll have to drink much more to get through this dinner.

"How about you tell me more about yourself? I want to hear you speak, I love your voice." Dazai smoothly said. I set my glass down on the table.

"There's not much to know." I retorted.

"Sure there is. Where you grew up, your interests or hobbies..."

His hand slowly creeped up my thigh, rubbing the inside of my leg.

And drink.

"I was born here. I don't really like many things and I work in the cafe."

Dazai stifled a laugh.

"You aren't one for conversations."

I try to avoid them at all costs.

I drank more of my wine, emptying my glass which Dazai automatically refilled.

The night continued like that. Dazai wouldn't shut up and I would down glass after glass until I began to feel tipsy.

"Your check sir." The waiter said, setting the check down on the table. Dazai paid and pulled me out of the restaurant.

"I feel tired." I slurred and walked unsteadily. Dazai only smiled and made me lean against him. "I'm going to go home." I announced.

"My place is quite close to here actually. You can stay the night if you'd like?" Dazai suggested.

"Whatever." I sleepily Dazai. My eyes struggled to stay open as Dazai lead me to his apartment. My mind was fuzzy by the time we got to his door. Dazai unlocked it and quickly caught me as I tilted over.

He closed the door, locking it then, walked me to a bedroom. I collapsed on the bed with a groan, snuggling into the blankets. He slowly turned me over onto my back. My breathing was slow as I met his dark eyes in the moonlight. The mysterious man sat on the bed next to me.

Dazai then cupped my face, his thumb ran over my bottom lip. All of a sudden, he leaned down connecting his lips with my own. The kiss seemed hungry. I felt nothing from his touch. My world grew dimmer by the time he took off my sweatshirt. His hand held down one of my wrists, his fingernails digging into my skin painfully.

What is happening?

Dazai pulled away, his breathing ragged. He let go of my wrist in order to stroke my hair lightly. My eyes slowly began to close, tired from my drunken state.

He pressed another kiss onto my forehead.

"Goodnight [Y/n]."

Cry Baby (Atsushi x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now