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I try to reminisce the light I saw earlier during my encounter with Atsushi. However, I could never experience it by myself. I knew I needed him in order to be dragged out of this eternal night once more.

Collapsing on my couch, I groaned into the cushions. This ruined my perfect eventless loop, this boy. I narrowed my eyes at the thought of him. He made me feel odd. So odd that I resented him for this feeling.

My stomach made a loud rumbling noise. I then mustered up the strength in myself to sit up and walk to the fridge. As per usual, its contents were on the bland side. I grabbed my keys from the table continued by a loud sigh.

My body began to shiver as a cold breeze ruffled through my hair, nipping at the exposed skin on my face. The local convenience store was now in my sight. After quickening my pace, I went inside and bought a couple instant meals then made my way out.

I struggled to put my loose change in my skinny jean pocket. My frozen fingers didn't choose to work in my favor resulting in the coins falling to the ground. I picked up a majority of them but noticed one of them had rolled towards the alleyway between the run down buildings. I eyed the coin that glinted in the light that emitted from the street lamps then, walked towards it, fastening my pace.

A dark figure popped up out of nowhere, colliding with my body. I was knocked down to the cold pavement, luckily falling rear first. I let out a quiet moan in pain and rubbed my butt slightly.

I looked around to see not a single person outside. The hairs on the back of my neck stood up. It felt as if I was being watched by someone. I clutched the remaining coin in my hand then, stood up walking back to my apartment. The only sounds heard throughout the night were my own footsteps and a distance coughing.


"How is a fine specimen like you working at a place like this?" the flirtatious brunette pressed. My palms sweat as I clutched the notepad and pencil tighter.

"I take offense!" The old woman yelled from the back room.

The odd man gently set his hand on top of my own. I immediately pulled mine away, cringing at the touch. A smirk played upon his lips.

"How would you like committing double suicide with me?" he questioned.

"I-I just want to know what you want to order." I shyly replied. By now, my knees were shaking. I wasn't used to this type of attention, especially from generally attractive people.

(A/n Mori is hotter. Fight me.)

"Well, if that's how you want to play, I would like one espresso please." he said politely.

"Name p-please?"

My heart was pounding. I just wanted to return to my job, going undisturbed and blending into the background.

"DAZAI!" a familiar voice shouted. My line of sight was fixated on the beautiful boy from before. I met Atsushi's gaze and a noticeable blush glazed over my cheeks.

"Yes Atsushi?" the man named Dazai asked.

(A/n again: Also, I'm not using honorifics because I got many "weeb" comments so, I don't wish to be tormented more for attempting to embrace the setting.)

"Why weren't you at the agency this morning? Kunikida took out his rage on us then angrily did paperwork. Did you do something?" Atsushi bombarded the brown haired man with many questions.

"That is for Kunikida and I to know and for you to never know." Dazai said with a smile. I then snapped out of my trance and scrambled to make an espresso for the peculiar man. Atsushi sighed and turned towards me.

His facial expression immediately lightened. Everything became light again as soon as he did this. That warm feeling spread throughout my entire body. It was like a summer day when he smiled.

I didn't notice the cup slip from my fingers until I was startled by the sound of it breaking. I let out a quiet gasp, leaning down to pick up the shards. With just my luck, I sliced open one of my fingers.

"[Y/n], are you alright?" Atsushi frantically asked. He ran behind the counter kneeling down. He held my hand in his larger ones examined the cut. "I feel like we've been through this before." Atsushi joked.

That Dazai loomed over the two of use wielding bandages that looked much like the ones he sported on his arms.

"I'll wash this." I announced to no one in particular. After running the cut under some water and mixing in some soap. Dazai neatly bandaged my finger, patting my hand after he finished. He smiled as if he admired his own work while Atsushi silently cleaned up the glass shards. "It wasn't that serious." I said.

Atsushi cranes his neck towards my direction. His facial expression made it evident that he thought otherwise. Dazai smirked, leaving to the "agency" upstairs.

"[Y/n], you should really pay attention to your wellbeing more." Atsushi began his rant about me not taking care of myself which went in one ear and out the other. He soon took notice of the fact that I was staring at him blankly. The beautiful boy sighed seeing my lack of interest.

"Don't you have work." I said, breaking the silence. Atsushi glanced at the clock. His face showed disappointment. The grey haired boy mustered a smile for me.

"Have a nice day [Y/n]."

Atsushi then left, taking the light with him.

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