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I began to look noticeably frail. Dazai knew something was wrong with me but, would fail to bring up the problem.

He would encourage me with compliments while I saw Atsushi returning to the cafe with this girl by his side.

"I'm not feeling too well." I told the old woman. She examined my physique with a worried expression.

"Sweetheart, please take care of yourself."

I nodded and walked out the door without a word. Dazai stayed with Atsushi and the girl, probably not noticing my absence.

I was walking wherever my feet would take me. I walked far away from anywhere I knew. I noticed water, most likely the ocean. Closing my eyes, I inhaled the crisp sea air. I then hard footsteps nearing me and a cough.

Soon, a sharp pain spread through my stomach like a wildfire. My hands touched my stomach and I saw blood. Lots of it. I could not longer see the skin on my hands. I trembled at the sight of it, falling to my knees. With a swift kick, my head hit the concrete making a crunch noise.

I felt drowsy but the pain was the only thing keeping me conscious.

"You were with that weretiger." A deep voice growled. The man pressed his boot into the wound on my head. "I need him."

"I don't know what you're talking about." I slowly spoke. He narrowed his eyes that seemed to harbor hatred then, raised his foot bringing it down to my head over and over again until I met the darkness.


I gasped and woke with a start. I couldn't breathe as I pawed at the plastic that covered my body. I used my fingernails to claw an opening soon inhaling the air. My breathing was heavy. I looked around quickly noticing that I was in a morgue.

My heartbeat sped up as my eyes landed on a body nearby. The doors then opened and I heard hummed. A middle aged man stopped in his tracks, dropping his clipboard. His eyes rolled back in his head and his body hit the floor.

I quickly climbed out of the bodybag, my thoughts swarming around my head. The first thing that came to my mind was Atsushi. I felt a pang in my heart.

I died and came back.


I noticed my dirtied clothes, not to mention the gaping hole in the stomach of my shirt. I quickly dashed out of the building making my way onto the empty night streets.

I ran and ran even until I could barely breath any longer. I saw my apartment building coming into my sight and ran inside. Luckily my belongings with still in my pockets and I unlocked my door, clumsily entering. I slammed the door behind me, locking all the locks.

My emotions suddenly caught up to me, the tears began to fall from my eyes. This all had to be a bad dream. I slid down the door, sobbing.

Then there was a harsh pounding on the other side of the door. I covered my mouth and nose to suppress my breathing.

"[Y/n]!" Dazai yelled. "Open up [Y/n]!"

I shakily reached for the locks, undoing them and scooting away from the door. The door swung open swiftly and Dazai looked around the room before noticing my frail form on the ground. He pulled me in for a tight embrace which I didn't return. I used his usual jacket to soak up my tears.

"[Y/n], come with me." He ordered. I pushed him away and shook my head furiously. "That wasn't a question [Y/n]." Dazai pulled me to my feet, closing the door behind us.

My legs felt like they were about to give out as we walked towards the cafe.

"P-Please slow down." I begged.

Dazai was deep in thought, refusing to let go of my wrist. He tugged me into the cafe but, we began to make our way upstairs.

I hadn't noticed how spacious it was upstairs. I was then pulled into a large room filled with desks and many people I couldn't recognize. My eyes locked with the short black haired girl I often saw Atsushi with. My gaze shifted to Dazai and I pushed on his chest, attempting to push him away.

"Dazai, my wrist." I cried.

His eyes widened and he hesitantly let go. I rubbed my bruised wrist and sighed. Dazai set his coat over my shoulders and gently laid his hand on my head, stroking my hair.

A blonde man with glasses stepped forward.

"This is the kid you mentioned?" He asked Dazai. Dazai nodded curtly.

"[Y/n] has a remarkable ability." Dazai began. "Immortality."

Ironic for someone who is dead inside.

"Ability?" I said softly.

"Kunikida, did you inform the president?" Dazai asked the blonde.

"Yes, he has." A voice interrupted Kunikida.

I turned to see an older man in traditional clothing. He slowly walked to stand beside Kunikida. His eyes burned into me as he examined me like an animal.

"Do you know what happened to you?" The president spoke up.

My hands shook until I felt Dazai's slip into mine. I gripped his hand firmly.

"I was out near the ocean and a man spoke to me." I began.

"A man?" the older male questioned.

I nodded then continued to speak.

"I didn't see him. His voice was deep though and he began to cough." I said reminiscing the past events.

I felt Dazai grip my hand tighter.

"He stabbed me through my back and stomach. The man spoke about a weretiger? He said I was with him. I don't know what he meant." I said barely a whisper.

"[Y/n]!" Atsushi burst through the door. He was panting and his clothes were tattered. The boy kneeled by my side and pulled me into an embrace. Dazai let go of my hand and I slowly snaked my arms around Atsushi's waist. "I was so worried." He cried.

"So, the mafia..." a man with a hat spoke up. I exited the embrace and the attention was on him. He smirked and swirled the marble in his soda. "We don't need a genius to figure this out. There's only one cold hearted coughing killer that we know."


"I'll take care of this." Dazai broke the silence.

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