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Natsu POV

"HE WHAT?!" I scream, Y/N sighs and looks down. "When, how?! Doesn't he know your engaged to me??!"

"I think he's doing this to get revenge on the guild. But I'm not going to do it, I promise I won't let my guard down." Y/N assures me, I smile and peck her on the lips.

Then everyone floods into the room.

"Y/N DON'T YOU EVER SCARE US LIKE THAT AGAIN!" Skyrim and Happy plummet into Y/N. Everyone else flocking around her and talking her ear off.


Y/N told everyone the news. A lot of gasps and growls were heard. Jellal, Gramps and Erza looked as if they could destroy the world. "THAT LITTLE BRAT! HE CAN GET A BEATING FOR THREATENING OUR Y/N!" Gramps kept of rambling on waving his hands in the air.

"I've got an idea." Mira speaks up, "Master Makarov, you've been planning the S-Class trials right?" Gramps nods, "The last time we did were gone for 7 years, but we should host it and ignore Zeref and the council."


We ended up following the plan. I fist pump Happy. "Hey babe?" I turn to see Y/N but she wasn't there, "huh, did you see her leave Happy?"

Happy shrugs and Skyrim flies over to us grinning, I raise my eyebrow. Everyone was now around the stage and it was rather crowded, Gramps was about to announce who's going. I have to be going I mean, it's me!

"Hey Sky!" Happy cheers and flies to her. I smirk, Happy likes Skyrim~. He admitted it to me a while back, I need to ask Y/N if Skyrim feels the same mwahaha.

Gramps walks onto the stage, wait is Guild Arts going to compete?!

"Ok kids, Guild Arts wasn't able to make it but we do have another S-Class wizard to take his place-" wait do they mean? Y/N, OH GOD WE'RE SCREWED! "-Y/N L/N."

I face palm, "ow dear god we're screwed!" I unintentionally yell, Y/N walks onto the stage smirking. She crosses her arms over her chest and stands to Gramps left.

"And Mira and Erza will be also." Gramps adds, "OK, so I'll explain some of the rules again. You can't team up with an S-Class wizard if your chosen and it has to be someone from our guild, but it can't be one of other players conpeteing. There will be routes throughout the tournament as you already know, it's a game of chance. And I told the S-Class wizards to hold back a bit, so your not completely dead. OK so the 8 wizards to be compete is... Natsu Dragneel." I grin to myself and fist pump Happy again. "Gray Fullbuster... Cana Alberona... Wendy Marvell." Wendy's competing? Well she is strong. "Juvia Lockster... Freed (Idk his last name)... Lucy Heartfillia." Lucy's competing too! "And Gajeel Redfox. We will be traveling by boat in 2 days so you'll get to choose your partners and train a bit. You already all know how it works and I have explained it to Y/N, so that's the end of the announcement, good luck!"

Then the guild erupted into cheers, Lucy was panicking slightly, Y/N jumped off the stage.

"How are we supposed to beat Y/N?!" Freed mutters, Y/N shrugs.

"Figure something out." Y/N replies stern, I get an idea. If I get her route, I could just kiss her then I should probably be able to get passed her.

"Hey Lucy can I team up with Loke?" Gray asks, Lucy shakes her head.

"Nope, I need him to be able to win!" Lucy objects.

"Ugh fine." Gray sighs.

"Now I can't team up with my darling Gray!" Juvia whines, "wait.. Skyrim mind if I team up with you?"

Huh didn't expect that. Skyrim grins and turns to Y/N. "I trust Juvia, sure thing Sky."

Juvia grins and hugs Y/N, "Thank you!"

"Happy your with me." I assure him, he nods smiling and sits on my head.

This is going to be fun.

A/N, ok things are calming a bit now lol well remember to follow, comment, vote and share for more.

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