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After Zeref's appearance and the whole council thing, the guild hasn't recovered. And there hasn't been any acrivity of the council nor Zeref or anything about any sign of criminal threats.


I lay on my bed, Skyrim asleep on my head, my eyes feel heavy I start to become drowsy. I mean I only got an hours sleep last night due to me being paranoid. Suddenly a blinding flash happens and I think I fell asleep.


I was in a pure white room, making my eyes squint slightly due to the change of light. I was alone, I try to move but I'm stuck. I fling my eyes shut and open them again, Skyrim was now in front of me yelling and shaking me, I stumble slightly, every word she says was masked and turned into inconsiderate mumbles and my vision blurred.

Then I turn back to the white room, but then it flashes into reality. "Stop. Stop. Make it stop!" I mutter continuously, the room causing me to be in pain. "No. No. No!"

"Y/N what's wrong?!" I manage to make out what Skyrim screams at me but then I turn back to the room.

My hands grasps to my head and I feel as if I'm swirling.

My mind goes back to the room, but there was Natsu. Right in front of me. Choking on blood. His outfit stained and I seemed to be choking him. What's worse I couldn't stop. "Y/N SNAP OUT OF IT!" I hear Erza yell at me in the reality.

Then everything just goes black.

Erza POV

I heard Skyrim screaming as I passed their house going for a calming walk. My eyes widen and I rush passed their hallway knocking down their door.

Y/N was laid twitching violently and her body giving off immense magic power that continuously became more powerful. Skyrim being too distracted in trying to cause Y/N to snap out of it by screaming at her.

I yell, "Y/N SNAP OUT OF IT!" Then she just collapses, no longer moving and her magic stopping.

Skyrim turns to me with mixed emotions, "E-Erza what's happening to Y/N?!" She shrieks. "Will she be ok?!"

"I honestly don't know, let's get her to the guild." I plan, Skyrim nods and her exceed wings emerge and she picks up Y/N with me helping.

Natsu POV

I was at the guild chatting with Gray about sushi, god I'm so hungry.

"How can you be thinking about food when Zeref literally just attacked Y/N and the whole guild a week ago!?" Gray growls and face palms.

"Pfft you think I don't care about that?!" I yell head butting him, when the guilds doors bang open. Our heads snap in the direction. It was Y/N, Erza carrying her completely alarmed, "Erza what happened?!"

"S-She was, I don't know. Twitching as if going into a seizer but that wasn't the case. And she was yelling. S-Something must be happening to her." Skyrim answers, "N-Nothing stays safe does it.."

"It doesn't matter, Y/N is apart of our guild and we don't just abandon our Nakama!" Romeo speaks up, everyone nods and puts on a confident look.

"Wendy can you try healing her?" Happy questions flying over to Y/N, I had already rushed over. Wendy nodded.


Nothing stays safe with Y/N, I just want to have some time alone with her, when she's safe. And I don't have to worry. We still have to plan the wedding, but I'm sure the girls are already going to be all over that.

Y/N lays motionless on one of the beds. Wendy was outside with the others along with Skyrim and Happy. "Babe you need to be ok." I whisper and rub circles with my thumb holding her hand. Then her eyes flutter open.

"What the hell happened?!" Y/N mutters, not realising that I'm here.

"Y-Y/N your finally awake!" I cheer, she jumps slightly then smiles at me. "Skyrim said you just blacked out-"

"I know why." Y/N interrupts me, I lean slightly, urgent to hear more. "When I eventually blacked out, I-I had a vision. It was Zeref, (A/N SPOILERS IF YOU HAVEN'T WATCHED THE WHOLE THING YET LIKE I HAVEN'T BUT I READ SPOILERS ON INSTAGRAM BY ACCIDENT😭) he's you brother isn't he?"

I hesitantly nod, I forgot about that.

"H-He's forcing me to marry him."

A/N, oh crap. This book is super under detailed but it'd take too long if it was I'm sorry. Crappy cliffhanger I know.
I'm publishing a original and actually detailed novel tomorrow be sure to check it out- Underneath The Lies or My Ghost, you guys will have to vote on that.

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