Job request

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Me, Natsu and our exceeds made our way to the guild hall to go on this acting job. I sorta tuned out on Natsu because all he talks about is food. Happy and Skyrim were talking about fish and now I'm hungry. Grr.

"Love birds over here!" Lucy calls us over, Erza had a trailer full of outfits and random junk.

"OFF TO THE TRAIN-STATION!" Erza cheers marching ahead of us, Natsu and I groan in unison. I have the worst motionsickness, I can cast healing spells on people but I can't on myself...

"Wait don't tell me you have motionsickness like flambrain!" Gray growls, I glare.

"Can't I take Skyrim over to the place?" I whine, gesturing to Skyrim.

"Yeah and I can take Happy!" Natsu joins, Erza shakes her head, we both sigh in annoyance.

"I'll take Y/N, Gray you drag Natsu." Lucy plans, since I'm really stubborn Lucy drags me, Natsu and Gray the same. This is going to be a horrible train ride.


I dump myself off the train my motionsickness going away I fist pump Natsu, "NO MORE TORTURE!" Natsu and I cheer in unison and start hugging each-other. Everyone sighs.

"Ok let's go, it's about an hour walk from here." Carla plans, me and Natsu let go but our hands connected.

"Hey me and Natsu will meet you guys there, I know the address plus we can get food on the way there." I inform them, they nod.

"I'll stay here." Wendy and Carla say, I nod and turn to Skyrim who had her white exceed wings out. Natsu and Happy are already in the air. Skyrim lifts me into the sky breeze. It's such a feeling to be free. We were already metres off the ground, Natsu grinned.

"Come on N/N!" Natsu called, I grin back.

"Skyrim let's beat them." I whisper to her, she nods smirking. We shoot past them.

"THATS CHEATING!" Natsu yells, "HAPPY GO!"

"Aye sir!" Happy flies him up behind us, yet we're still quicker. I can see the hall up ahead of us.

"Guys there's the hall let's set down." I inform them, me and Skyrim set down to the ground, Natsu and Happy behind us. I feel Natsu's warm arms wrap around my waist, I blush, "N-Natsu."

"Yeah." Natsu says carelessly.

"Ugh we'll leave." Skyrim sighs, she grabs Happy's hand and they leave, I smirk at her she rolls her eyes, they take off.

Natsu spins me around to face him, his hand still on my waist, and the other on my neck. I wrap my arms around his neck. Our lips smash together, but this time we don't pull away. He pins me to the nearest wall, we were in an alleyway, luckily with no people. His tongue marking my mouth making me lightly moan, he smirked against my lips and hungrily kissed me I kissed back. Before I knew it our bodies were pressing against each-others, making me moan deeper, which pleased him making him come back for more.

"Natsu." I moan, he smirks and continues, "Natsu."

"What babe?" He whispered into my ear seductively.

"I love this, but... Skyrim and Happy are waiting for us."

"Fine." He lets go, not without a last kiss though, I could get used to this. Our hands intertwined we walked out of the alleyway down to the crowded plaza. As I expected Happy and Skyrim were at the fish stand.

"Y/N Y/N Y/N!" Skyrim called, "Can I please have some fish~?"

"For once let's get a proper meal." I sigh.

"Please?~" Happy and Skyrim beg in unison, I sigh.

"No, I saw some sushi on the way in though." I say, both of their eyes beam at me.

"It's still sea food!" They cheer, Natsu laughs. We start walking down to the sushi bar I saw earlier, we lined up in the long line, I was getting a lot of glances due to the fact I'm famous, but I honestly don't want to be.

"Hey baby wanna have some fun tonight." A random stranger said to me.

"OY BACK OFF SHES MINE!" Natsu yells furious at the guy, I glare at this flirtatious stranger.

"Do you even know who we are?" I growl, the stranger shrugs. Natsu punches the guy in the face with fire, I smirk at Natsu, "Thanks Natsu." The stranger I don't even know where he went, Natsu blasted him ages away.

"Well you are mine." Natsu kisses my forehead, I blush. Skyrim and Happy still mouth watered at the food ahead of them. It was finally our time to order.

"Hello what would you like to order today." The work lady asks us.

"Can we have a mixed rack of sushi?" I order, she nods.

"That'll be 40jewel." She says passing Natsu the plate full of sushi, I pass over the money and glance at my watch, the gang should be here in about 15 minutes, but knowing us, we'll probably be finished in 5minutes or less.

A/N hey guys, thanks so much for your support! I feel special lol. Well if you want to go check out my YouTube channel I'm reopening- MiaKat (Kat Author Sama)

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