Part 30

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 My heart skipped a beat. Should I tell him what I had been planning to do? No. not after my comment. "I just came out to check on you." Bill wasn't buying it.

"In the rain?" I had backed myself into a corner. "And what's with the axe? You going to lumberjack camp?" He could tell. I sighed.

"Alright Bill. You caught me. I came out" I stopped and looked at the ground, too ashamed to admit what I had intended to do.

"Bring me a teddy bear? Tuck me in? Let me go? You gotta let me know me Pine Tree 'cause Lemme tell ya, I'm not all that great with the guessing games..."

"I WAS GOING TO KILL YOU! There! I said it! Happy?!" A fresh batch of tears sprang to my eyes, but I turned away. I was determined not to let Bill see them.

"REALLY? You know, I never would have guessed." His sarcasm finally made me snap. 

I grabbed the axe and swung it, striking Bill in the chest with the blunt end. The wind was knocked from him immediately, causing him to yelp and double over in pain.

"Dammit Pine Tree!" he sputtered, his breath coming in gasps.

"And that kind of comment might have been why I tried. I may not be the strongest, but I can still kick your ass if I need to. Got that?!" Bill glanced up at me in awe.

"Who are you and what have you done with Pine Tree?!" I ignored him and started to clean Wendy's axe with rainwater.

"Wanna know why I chose tonight to do it?" Bill looked at me with confusion. 

"It's because Ford and Stan are coming back tomorrow." I knew that if Bill were still powerful, he would have been delighted to hear this news. But he wasn't powerful anymore. His face reflected nothing but pure fear.

"Oh joy." He whispered, his eye wide. "Now it's a party." I nodded.

"I'm gonna try to keep them from finding out as best I can, but..." I didn't need to finish. Given Fords deep-seeded hatred and unpleasant past with Bill, something told me he wouldn't be as merciful as I'd been. Then there was Stan. He had killed Bill before and he would do it again. He didn't need any more reason. He was Stan.

 Bill and I sat for a while in silence. The rain was dying down and I was starting to think I should go back to the shack and re-shower so I don't wake up muddy. Suddenly, I was struck with a realization. "Bill..."

"What? There a problem?"

"Yeah. There is. You can't stay here in the woods." Bill looked confused.

"Why not?"

"I don't think that gnome attack was a one-time thing. They seem like they really want you dead. You can't sleep here anymore." Bill thought it over. He looked down at the peeling skin on his foot. I had forgotten about it. He tried to touch the wound, but when he did he winced and drew in a sharp breath. He looked up at me and nodded.

"You've got a point there, fleshbag. One problem though; Where am I gonna go?" I had noticed the same problem. He couldn't stay here because of the gnomes. The shack wasn't preferable. Ford would undoubtedly find him. Still, Ford didn't know yet. The gnomes did. 

Oh god. I had a roommate.

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