keep that secret locked up forever.

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misas pov

so I see he's back now.great I don't want mason to find out thoe.he will kill jack.I just want to aviod mason being in jail for murder.of course sooner or later I'm gonna have to spill the beans.I choose later.

mason's pov

I overheard some of my male freinds and female friends chatting about misa.there like"oh,did you hear about today's incident"others like"no what hapend""misa saw jake and ran into the girl's bathroom".other girl"didn't jake and misa used to go out"another girl"yeah,in the last year of middle school".ok I know that he and misa went out but I don't know the details of why they broke up.she just said it didn't work out.I wonder why thoe they seemed happy.but im gonna find out today for shure.

Lisa's pov

to make sure misa's secret is locked up.I personally spoke to jack.

l-jack,Im warning u don't tell mason the resson why you guys broke up.

jack-why should I listen to u?

l-in your best interest.

j-fine since I still have feelings for her ill keep my trap shut.

l-good now what the hell are you doing here anyways.

j-i switched to this school since misa is in it.also the standards are higher.

l-ok,but stay away from her for the time being.

misa's pov

mason was acting all strange on the way home he's like what would you and the baby like to eat oh mabey some warm cookies with milk.

misa-Hason Harper Williams  what are you up to.

mason-nothing baby just todays your first cheak uo at the docters

misa-couldn't you tell me earlier.

mason-i couldn't I couldn't find u all day.when I finnely found u I decided to tell u later.since I really didn't want to go into the girls bathroom.

misa-well nick did

mason-well nick has guts.he's not afraid of being attacked by a bunch of ugly ass bimbos.


misa's pov

I got home ran dressed into my 1st kiss jeans a teal shirt  that shows my belly which is surprisingly big for  2 months.

when we got there a lady docter whos name is dr heart.

dr-hello dear please lye down ill be back in a minute

misa-ok docter.mason im scared

mason-dont be hunny.

mason the doctor came in told misa to lye still and pick up he shirt.she did.the docter put some blue jelly on her belly. she started moving a white thing around.when she came to a stop a smile appeared on the docters face.


misa-is every thing ok

dr-yes I hear more then 1 heart beats

misa-how many do u hear


misa's pov haveing triplets.yeah.oh my masons sperm is that strong.I could feel my face getting hot so I just started laughing.the docter and mason looked at me like I was nuts.but I continued to laugh.

masons pov

ok she just started to laugh.about what is she and dad are going to be happy.well interrogation time.we came home I followed her inside.when we entered the room I looked the door behind me.

mason-so misa since we are haveing triplets we have to know everything about each other so tell me some secrets and ill tell you some.ill start I lost my v card to you. lets see I also lost my v card to you.

mason-you know the secret im itching to hear is why u broke up with jack.

misa-i told u already

mason-no you told me part of it

misa's pov

it can't be helped I should tell him.I told his everything.mason got up and started pacing around the room.

he asked me why didn't I tell him.I said I didn't want to.oh great tomarrow will be fun

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