Chapter 10

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*1 Month later*

He still hasn't woke up, but the doctors say he's getting better. I have to leave him when he does. I'm not going to let him get hurt again,especially since Madame B. is still out there. She knows I love him, and she'll do everything in her power to try to kill him. She knows it will break me. Besides, he might hate me for what I did. I don't know where I'm going to go yet, but it has to be somewhere where he can't find me.

*few days later*
Natasha Natasha NATASHA. I awoke from my sleep. I was in Steve's hospital room, lying in the chair beside his bed. "Natasha," I heard a voice croak. "Steve?" I jumped up. I pressed the button to inform the nurse. "Natasha, where am I?" He groaned while trying to get up. "It's okay, Steve, your in the hospital." I gently push him back down on the bed. The nurse and the doctor came rushing in, and they asked me to step out of the room for a minute. I wonder when I should tell Steve I'm leaving. Maybe I shouldn't and just leave, but I can't do that to him that'll hurt him. But then again, when I do tell him he'll try to stop me. I just don't know what to do anymore. The nurse came back out and told me I could come in. I walked back into the room and the doctor just finished talking to Steve. "How you feel?" I asked him. "Like hell," he chuckled. "Well, at least you're awake. The doctors were afraid you weren't going to wake up." I said sadly. "Enough about me. How do you feel? You know after all that has happened." He asked sympathetically. "Well, certainly not good since I know she can hurt you now." I said almost tearing up. "Trust me, it won't happen again." "Damn right it won't, because I'm leaving." I painfully said. "Natasha, what are you talking about? You can't leave," he objected. "Steve, I have to. It's the only way to protect you, and not to mention I'm part of the reason you're in here," I gently explained. I held back my tears. This is so hard. "Natasha, what are you talking about? You had nothing to do with this. And you don't need to protect me I'm perfectly capable of taking care of myself." Steve started raising his voice. "Steve, I shot you. I'm the reason why it took you so long to wake up. If she comes back, she could make me kill you," I argued. "But you won't! You could've killed me when we were back there but you didn't because I got through to you. I'm not letting you leave!" He shouted. "Steve-" "No, Natasha, your not leaving and that's final," he commanded. "Okay, I won't leave. I'm sorry, I didn't mean to make you angry. It's just that, I can't lose you. I love you too much, and it would hurt me a lot more knowing that I was the one that killed you." I wiped my tears. "I love you too, but you're not going to lose me, okay? I promise." He reassured me. I didn't know what else to say. But, I'm not going to leave. Not after he just practically begged me. "Come here," he invited me into his hospital bed and made room for me. I laid down next to him, and put my head on his shoulder. That way I won't hurt the bullet wound on his chest. Then I held his hand. I cried silently. I never had someone care for me like that. I know that this man truly loves me, and I love him. At that moment the doctor came in to run a few more tests. They said since he has the serum then he should be out of the hospital in a week.

* 3 days later *
Turns out he got out sooner than they thought he would. That serum really does work fast. He's still a little sore but otherwise he's fine. Right now, we're watching a movie, but I'm not really paying attention to it. I'm watching him sleep. I know it sounds crazy, but this is really the only time he looks peaceful. I was getting sleepy, so I decided to wake him up so we could go to bed. But the moment I looked at him I could tell there was something wrong. His eyebrows furrowed with distress, he was panting, and whispering my name. He was having a nightmare. "Steve, wake up," I shook him gently. "Natasha, please don't," he cried. "Steve, wake up. It's just a dream, Steve." I kept trying to shake him. Nothing was working. "I'm right here, Steve. Wake up," I begged. His eyes shot open. "Are you okay?" I asked. He slowly nodded. "You wanna talk about it?" When either one of us has nightmares, the other usually gets that person to talk about it, that way it gets everything off your chest. But he just shook his head. "No, let's just go to bed," he said almost silently. We got into bed and instead of holding on to me like he usually does he faces his back towards me, so I couldn't see his face. I was going to ask him more questions about the nightmare, but I didn't want to be pushy about it. He'll tell me when he's ready.

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