Chapter 7

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I wake up in a dark room with my hands chained to the wall. I look around and Steve in no where in sight. Not that I expected them to put me in a room with him. I look down and notice that I'm just in shorts and my sports bra. A few minutes later I hear footsteps coming. One of the Red Rooms soldiers walks in, with Madame B. . The solider started unlocking my chains. "Would you like to go see how the Captain's doing?" she asked with an evil smile. I didn't say a word. I followed her down the hallway to another room. I walk in and I seen the worst thing. Steve was hanging by his arms in chains and his head down. You can tell they've been beating him badly. He has whip marks from his ribs around to his back. I went up to him and I saw his face. He has a black eye and a busted lip with blood running down his face and back. I couldn't show my emotions. They already think I love him, if I show them it's true then they'll torture him even more just to get to me. "Aren't you going to say anything Natalia? You do love him don't you?" She snickered. "No, he's just my partner nothing more," I said with tears in my eyes trying to make them go away. "Well, he certainly cares a lot about you. After he woke up he cried and begged for us to tell him where you were. He even tried to escape to find you. That's when we beat him to thinking otherwise." Steve what have you done? I walk up to him. "Steve? Steve?" Nothing. "He's lost a lot of blood. I don't think he'll be waking up for a while. But then again he is a super solider. In the meantime you and I have some unfinished business. Take her." My eyes widened. Two guards dragged me out of Steve's room and took me to the one I was in. Madame B. came in with a whip and had an evil smile on her face. "This is for betraying us," and she hit me across my stomach. I put my hands in front of my face and it seemed like my arms were getting the worst of it. I blacked in and out a couple of times from the pain and the blood loss. When it finally stopped I heard he say, "finish her," then she walked out. The two men started beating me. One kept kicking me in my stomach and the other one watched until he was done. Then they walked out. All I keep thinking about is Steve. What they're doing to him. I knew I shouldn't have brought him with me. Then I blacked out.

***The next day***
"Wake up," I heard a man say. I could barely open my eyes. Then he kicked me, "I said wake up," he said irritated. I opened my eyes and I saw the same men who beat me up yesterday. One of them unlocked my chains and they both pulled me up. I was so weak I couldn't move, so they dragged me. They put me in a room with a chair and wires and a head piece connected to it. What are they going to do to me? "Hello Natalia, I'm Dr. Grigori and I will be doing your procedure today." He said as the two mean cuffed me to the chair. "Procedure? What procedure?" "To brainwash you of course. What did you think the Red Room would kill you? No, your too valuable of an asset." My eyes got bigger, I was scared. What if I never remember Steve? What if they make me kill him? "Now I won't lie to you, this will hurt." He put the head piece on me and gave me a mouth piece. He made sure all the wires were connected the way they were supposed to and it began. It felt like a bunch of bullets going through my head and it was never ending. It just kept getting stronger and stronger. "Your name is Natalia Romanova the Black Widow. Your are part of the Red Room. You do not feel emotion. You only joy is killing and hurting others." And he kept repeating that over and over. Then it stopped. "Now who are you?" "I'm Natalia Romanova, The Black Widow." He had an evil smirk. "And what do you do?" "Kill." I smiled.

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