25: Graduation Day

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~Hey, hey, hey!!! Y'all are not ready for this chapter. Hell, I just finished it and still shocked with the way I just let it all flow without thinking it through. So a sort of shocking ending. Read and enjoy, sexy babes ❤️🔥😍

Chapter Twenty-Five

I groaned in annoyance as I ran a hand through my now curled to perfection hair. It was graduation day. I had a dress on currently that was going to be under my gown. But I was practically ready while my boyfriend on the otherhand was downstairs with his best friend, blaring Bon Jovi throughout the house. "You Give Love A Bad Name" was playing and as much as I enjoyed the song. If I listen to another Bon Jovi hit, I was gonna punch Stefan.

I exited the bedroom ready to go fetch my boyfriend, to force him to put his gown on so we could go meet my twin and Jer. "Damon. Help me celebrate my 17th high school graduation," I heard Stefan's voice as I made my way down the long stairwell. I sighed in relief as Bon Jovi was cut off. Thank you, Damon! "Hey, you remember my friend, Lexi, of course."

"Lexi. Back from the dead. Goodie," Damon replied unenthused and uninterested. I waslked into the large living room area to see Lexi speed over and pin Damon to a wall, hand around his neck.

"What's up, buzzkill?" Lexi asked.

"Hey! Play nice you three!" I shouted. Lexi didn't move and I glanced at my boyfriend who sat on the couch with a small, nearly empty bottle of whiskey in his hands.

"Stefan," Damon croaked out. "Just gonna sit there and let her enact her ghostly revenge?"

"You reap what you sow, buddy," Stefan said and I sent him a sharp glare.

"Alexia Branson, put blue eyes down," I ordered fiercely. Lexi tensed up and let him go but still stood close and threateningly up at him.

"Let's be very clear. Whatever time I have left here, I sure as hell don't plan on wasting on you," Lexi told Damon sternly. "You got me?"

"Yeah, got you," he said as she shoved him back into the wall. I huffed a sigh of relief as she strutted away from him and sat next to Stefan on the couch while I crossed my arms at the two. I was more than irritated. "So if you and Ric and little Gilber are all flesh-like and real-seeming that means something went wrong when Bonnie tried to put that veil up," Damon said. "And here you two are having Dance Party USA."

I narrowed my eyes at that and sat on the other side of Stefan since Lexi was on the arm rest of his side of the couch. "You're right. How selfish of me to be indulging in these precious moments with my formerly dead best friend," Stefan replied sarcastically, taking the bottle of whiskey back from Lexi who just took a large gulp. "I should be sacrificing my own happiness for the good of others, right?"

Damon opened his mouth to talk as did I, but my baby wasn't done. "I should be upstairs grooming my hero hair," Stefan mocked, looking at Lexi amused as the two then chuckled.

"Are you drunk?" Damon asked.

"I don't know, Mom. Am I?" Stefan replied, taking a sip and sitting back in his spot, grabbing my hand. Lexi chuckled as she took the outstretched bottle back for her turn. Except I huffed and leaned over my boyfriend, snatching it angrily from her too.

"Okay," Lexi mumbled, fighting a guilty smile.

"Yeah. Party's fucking over," I grumbled, standing from my seat to face the two best friends with a stern glare and arms crossed over my chest. "No more Bon Jovi. No more dancing. And no more drinking, Salvatore," I stated, directing the last bit to my boyfriend.

Damon snatched the bottle from me and took a gulp. "Now, care to hazzard any guesses on what the hell went wrong?" Damon asked.

"I'll call Bonnie," I said, sighing. "As much as I love Jeremy and Lexi. And Ric. Kol tried to kill me last night. Not to mention the other vengeful ghost surrounding us all."

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