8: Miss Mystic

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~Are you ready for this?! Chapter is pretty long. Full of detail, drama, and Kenzie's thoughts. Bare with me through some paragraphs about the brothers. She's trying to figure what to do right now. What's best for her. That is all. Happy reading, babes 😘😘


Chapter Eight

"Blue," Caroline, Elena and I chorused.

"Really? The blue seems a little safe," April said, holding a blue dress to her body.

"Safe is good when it comes to the judges," I commented honestly. It was a bunch of old people who thought they were better than the rest of our community. Stuck up, snobby, rich Founders made up the judges.

"She's right. Gracie Lockwood had a 3-foot slit her year and practically got laughed off the court," Caroline chuckled and we all joined in.

"She got my vote," came a new voice. I tensed up as my eyes landed on Damon by the door dressed in a nice suit.

"Get out, lurker," Caroline hissed, throwing something at him. A black sock I think that hit his chest and then fell to the floor.

"Ouch," he whispered mockingly before smirking slightly. "Where's Professor Shane?"

Caroline marched all the way over to him so she stood in front of him with her hands on her hips. Elena nudged me but my eyes didn't leave his flawless looking face. "Check the judges' table," Caroline advised, shutting the door in his face. But I never heard it actually close.

I looked away, scratching the back of my head, pretending I wasn't gawking over him. I only looked up when I heard the door creak open. "Red one. Definitely," Damon stated.

"We've already agreed that the red one's a little too showy," Caroline said with her arms crossed over her chest.

"It's a pageant. It's the whole point," Damon scoffed.

"Did you win Miss Mystic last year?" Caroline questioned. "No, I don't think you did."

"Neither did Elena and she wore blue," Damon said but then his eyes fell on me.

"Nobody cares what you think," Caroline snapped.

"I care," April shrugged.

"See? April, cares. Red, right, Kenz?" Damon asked and I gulped as those blue eyes bored into mine. Caroline and Elena both turned to me. Carolie expectantly, as if wanting me to take her side. And Elena with a smirk, raising a brow in amusement, awaiting whose side I'd pick. Whether I'd stick to my word or not.

"The red is pretty," I admitted, avoiding everyone's gaze. I did like the red but like I said it was best to play safe when it came to the judges. And the blue was safe. It also brought our her blue eyes. I did do a black and white patterned dress last year. That was daring. But again, I didn't win. So...who knows what truly is the best choice at this point.

"And my work here is done," Damon said. His face half smug as he smirked all...all...sexily. Caroline staring at me in shock and disblief. Elena chuckling behind her hand at the whole situation. I then watched him turn and leave the room.

"Uh, what happened to 30 seconds ago when you hated the red one?" Caroline asked me, raising a brow. "What happened to 'safe is good'?"

I opened my mouth to speak but couldn't say anything. I think she and Elena both knew I was influenced by Damon saying red. He made the red dress seem sexy, and made me forget about April playing it safe. "Whichever one you wanna wear, April," Elena said, easing the tension in the room.

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