Chapter 10: Helping Credence, the Obscurius

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The five of us walk along the rooftop of a building with a large lighted sign that said SQUIRE'S attached to it. Newt and I walk along the edge and see the Obscurus wrecking havoc across the city of New York.

" that the Obscuriathing?" Jacob asked. Sirens sound as Newt and I stare and register the scale of the destruction.

"That's more powerful than any Obscurial we've ever heard of...." Newt mutter as we hear a loud explosion in the distance. Newt turns to me and thrusts his case in my hands then starts digging in his pocket.

"What are you doing?" I asked.

"If I don't come back, look after our creatures." He said then he pulls out his journal and hands it to me. "Everything that you need to know is in there." He said.

"What? No! I'm coming with you!" I said.

"No, absolutely not!" Newt argued.

"Are you mental? You're not facing that Obscurus on your own!" I shouted.

"I have to because..." But whatever his reason was I didn't know for I had grabbed his coat collar and pulled him towards me and kissed him on the lips. He freezes, in shock, but then kisses back and I break the kiss.

"You are not facing the Obscurus alone. You barely escaped the one we dealt with in Sundan. I'm coming with you." I said, sternly. He looks into my eyes, seeing that I've made up my mind and nods at me. I smile and hand the case and journal to Tina.

"Here, look after them for us." I said then the both of us jump off the roof and Disapparate.

We Apparate into Time Square and watch as Graves, of all people, standing at the end of the street talking to the Obscurus. "To survive so long, with this inside you, Credence, is a miracle. You are a miracle. Come with me--think of what we could achieve together." Graves shouted as the Obscurus moves closer to him.

Then dark energy bursts out and knocks Graves to the ground, sending a shockwave around the square, and Newt and I dive behind a fallen car for cover. "Newt! (Y/N)!" We hear a voice scream. Well look over and see Tina hiding behind another burning vehicle close to us.

"It's the Second Salem boy. He's the Obscurial." Newt said to her.

"The one we saw in that death potion?" I asked him and he nods in response.

"He's not a child." Tina said.

"I know--but we saw him---his power must be so strong--he's somehow managed to survive. It's incredible." Newt said as the Obscurus screams.

"Newt! (Y/N)! Save him." Tina said and she dashes out towards Graves as Newt and I Disapparate.

We end up race-Apparating as fast as we can across the tops of building in pursuit of the Obscurus. "Credence! Credence, we can help you." Newt said but the Obscurus dives towards us and we Disapparate just in time, before continuing to chase it across the rooftops. As we run, spells explode around us, disintegrating the rooftops.

A dozen Aurora appear, attacking the Obscurus from ahead and almost taking Newt and I out as we leap for cover, trying desperately to keep up. The Obscurus veers to avoid the spells, leaving black, snow like particles that drift across the rooftops as it retreats, screaming, and turns down another block. We watch as it rises up into the air and crashes into the ground, racing along a wide empty street.

Newt and I Apparate on top of a skyscraper watching the Obscurus rises up over the surrounding buildings and slams, spectacularly, into the ground just outs side a subway entrance. Then it goes quiet and we watch as the black mass shrinks and the small figure of the boy appears and he descends the steps into the subway.

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