Chapter 9: Demiguise and Occamy

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*(Y/N) POV*

Jacob and I approach the shop windows of the department store, staring at a handbag which, seemingly of its own accord, sis sliding down the arm of a mannequin. Newt, Tina and Queenie hurry up behind us and watch as the bag hovers in midair and floats off into the store.

We get in and see that the stories full of expensive jewelry, shoes, hats and perfume and we see the handbag float down the central aisle. We quickly tiptoe through the store, coming to hide behind a large plastic Christmas display. "So Demiguises are fundamentally peaceful, but they can give a nasty nip if provoked." Newt whispered to the others as Dougal appears, clambering over a display to reach a box of sweets.

I look over at Queenie and Jacob and said. "You two....head that way." And I pointed them to the direction where I wanted them to go. They start moving until Newt speaks up. "And try very hard not to be predictable." Jacob and Queenie exchange perplexed glances before heading off.

Suddenly, we heard a small roar and Dougal looks up towards the ceiling, before continuing to gather sweets, now shoveling them into the handbag. "Was that the Demiguise?" Tina asked us. I shake my head as Newt said. "No, I think it might be the reason that the Demiguise is here."

And the three of us walk, swiftly, down an aisle toward Dougal. Realizing he has been spotted, Dougal turns and looks at Newt and I, quizzically, before moving up a set of side stairs. Newt and I exchange glances and smile as he grabs my hand and we follow the little creature.

We make it to the attic of the store and see Dougal emptying the handbag full of sweets. "It's sight operates on probability, so it can foresee the most like,y immediate future." Newt whispered to Tina as we creep up behind the Demiguise. "So what's it doing now?" Tina asked us as Dougal holds up one of the sweets to something. I look up and freeze into place.

"It's babysitting." I replied.

"What did you just say?" Tina asked me as I hear Jacob and Queenie coming up he stairs and Newt looks up as well and sees what I'm talking about.

"This is my fault. I thought I had them all--but I must have miscounted." Newt whispers as moves forward and kneels beside Dougal, placing his case carefully down.

I look up and watch the huge Occamy, which has coiled around and around itself to fill the entire attic roof space. Tina looks up and her face fills with horror. "It was babysitting that?" She asked.

The Occamy moves slowly down towards Newt, Dougal and I as Dougal offers the Occamy more sweets. "Occamies are choranaptyxic. So they grow to fill available space." Newt replied as the Occamy spots us and cranes its neck toward us. Newt and I hold up a hand to the creature. "Mummy and Daddy's here." Newt said, softly, to the creature.

Suddenly, I hear something jingling behind us. I turn around and see a tiny glass bauble rolling along the floor, emitting that jingle sound. At the sound, the Occamy rears up, screeching and Newt tries to calm the large creature. "Whoa! Whoa!" He said as the Occamy swoops, scoping Newt up onto its back as it violently thrashes around.

"NEWT!" I scream as the rest of us try to dodge the shelves being thrown at us.

"Right, we need an insect, any kind of insect and a teapot! Find a teapot!" Newt shouts at us and I see Tina crawling around, trying to find and insect and the Occamy's wing crashes down, narrowly missing Jacob and Dougal, who has jumped on his shoulder and wrapped his arm around Jacob's head. I jump around and dodge the thrashing of the Occamy as I see a wooden case.

I approach it and see a porcelain teapot inside it. I open the door and pull out the teapot. "Teapot!" I shouted as I hold it up in he air. The Occamy rears its head once more, causing its tail to writhe, squashing and pinning Jacob, with the Demiguise, against one of the rafters. Jacob and I are now at opposite ends of the room, neither of us daring to move, swaths of the Occamy scales between us. Dougal vanishes as Jacob turns his head and sees that the Occamy's face is inches away from his own.

Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them (Newt Scamander x Female!Reader)Where stories live. Discover now