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Hello fellow Star Wars nerds and Anakin Skywalker fangirls(or fanboys). Welcome to my first Anakin fanfic, devotion! My main character will be played by the beautiful Emma Watson^^! I hope you enjoy!
Also; skip to part II if you want more romance/ relationship stuff.

 Welcome to my first Anakin fanfic, devotion! My main character will be played by the beautiful Emma Watson^^! I hope you enjoy! **Also; skip to part II if you want more romance/ relationship stuff

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"It's for your own good Verena, please just listen to what I'm saying."

Padmé had been trying to convince me to let the Jedi council send a knight to guard me, but to no avail.

She claimed it was due to my recent election into the senate, however, I was having none of it.

"I'll be fine Padmé, you'll see. Besides we don't have time to discuss this, we're already late for the meeting."

"You are so stubborn sometimes Verena, I really don't know how I deal with you." She said shaking her head as we made our way to the speeder taking us to our senate meeting.

"Honestly, I can take care of myself, I have a great sense of awareness." I assured her, but the moment those words were uttered, the speeder we were about to board exploded.

The sheer power of it threw Padmé and I onto our backs a few feet away. I was a little bruised, but nothing was broken or bleeding, so I counted that as fine.

However I didn't know how Padmé was faring so I sat up and called out to her, unable to make out where she was amongst the thick smoke encircling us.

"Padmé! Can you hear me?"

"Yes Verena, I can hear you and don't worry, I'm alright." It was quiet for a moment before Padmé spoke up again.

"So did you turn off your 'great sense of awareness' today or are you just lacking it to begin with?"

I laid back on the ground and rolled my eyes while grinning slightly, she had a point.


"Alright fine, I'll get a stupid Jedi. Happy?"


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